Study Questions 2.1

After reading Ethics for Dummies, by Panza & Potthast, chapter 6, provide written answers to the following questions.  Please give complete answers in complete sentences.

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1. What is virtue ethics, and how does it differ from other approaches to moral philosophy?

2. What is a virtue?  What does it mean to be virtuous?

3. Contrast virtue, continence, incontinence, and vice.

4. What is phronesis, and why is it important to virtue ethics?

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5. What is eudaimonia, and how is it connected to virtue?

6. What is a telos, and how is it relevant to virtue ethics?

7. What is the human good, according to Aristotle?

8. What are the three parts of a human soul, and which one is uniquely human?  Given this insight, to what conclusion was Aristotle led regarding the proper function of a human being?

9. What is the human good, according to Confucius?

10. What is ren, and how is it central to Confucian ethics?

11. What is meant by saying that virtue is the middle path?  Explain, using a specific virtue as an example.

12. Can virtue be taught?  What did Aristotle and Confucius think?

13. What is a moral exemplar?  Why are exemplars important in virtue ethics?

14. What knowledge problems are entailed by virtue ethics?

15. Why do some people object that virtue ethics is self-centered?

16. How does virtue involve luck, and why might this fact be a problem for virtue ethics?

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