Different types of adversaries pose different types of threats depending on their capabilities, intentions, and the assets they are targeting. For example, organized crime might target a financial institution for financial gain while a hacktivist might target organizations with differing ideologies. In addition, companies react to the loss of assets differently. There is a difference in the mitigation tactics that would be used depending on whether there is a loss of one asset or of an entire category of assets.
Assignment Questions:
For your initial post, identify a recent cybersecurity incident (within the last two years). Briefly summarize the incident, and post a link to an article on the incident if possible. Ensure your summary identifies the threat actor(s) involved, at least one characteristic of the threat actor (capability, intent, target), and why the threat actor may have attacked what they did. If your article does not identify the “why,” hypothesize what you think may be the “why” based on the known information.