SWOT Analysis

Product-Market Fit for a Robotic Process Automation

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(RPA)1 SaaS Product


• We empower people and organizations by eliminating repetitive tasks and increasing

efficiency and productivity. Simply Flows is a no-code secure platform that connects

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web applications, automates tasks, so work… simply flows.

We are building the future of work, were organizations and knowledge workers

are empowered by automation. Simply Flows is a B2B SaaS product company in the

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) space.


This is an exciting time to join us because:

• RPA is super-hot and holds a huge promise. Streamlining and automating work

processes are a highly sought-after skill at the workplace right now.

• Every phase of this project is visible and very impactful. Students will work directly

with the company’s CEO. Their work will inform and guide the product’s positioning

and growth trajectory.


Simply Flows is targeted towards knowledge workers who deal with a lot of manual data

processing on a regular basis. Our focus is on the small business in the US and Canada – from

solopreneurs to companies with less than 20 employees. Our no-code solution is best suited for

non-technical people.

We need help with identifying the best path forward to the product-market fit. This project will be

successful if a sound product positioning and growth strategy is created, backed up by research

and data. The project will consist of the following main elements:

1 Robotic process automation (RPA) is a software technology that partially or fully automates manual and repetitive

human activities across different software applications.

1. Product positioning maps:

• SWOT analysis of your specific region

Region : British Columbia( Vancouver Island and northern)

Strength – Continually seeking new ideas to better their product and operations, Free tools, Accessible for non-technical.

Weakness – not active on social media, lack of experience in Canada market, no attractive graphic design of website, improper presentation, Security standards

Opportunities – The firm can improve its security standards by incorporating new technologies that have improved security features, Virtual assistance in Metaverse, Simply Flows has an opportunity to develop and improve its products and systems by incorporating emerging technologies. The firm can use AWS protection services that have the highest level and modify as advancements are made into the system, Support from the BC govt to invest on the new business have a huge market,

Threats – Technological advancements threaten the security of data stored in the cloud, the increase in cyberattacks threatens the prosperity of the firm as clients are worried about losing their data, local marketers are competitors, reluctant nature of the people to adopt the new things,

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