System Analysis and Design – Chapter 10 Minicase 1 solution

Subject: “Systems Analysis and Design”

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Requirement: Chapter 10 Program Design.

Please complete Mini-case 1 (Attached) in, found on page 345 in the 6th edition text 

(page 403 in the 5th edition)  “Systems Analysis and Design”.


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a. Develop a structure chart for this segment of the Holiday Travel Vehicles system.

You can use Visio, WORD, or any other modeling tool to display your structure chart 

b. What type of structure chart have you drawn in #a, a transaction structure or a transform structure? Why?

Subject: “Systems Analysis and Design”
Requirement: Chapter 10 Program Design.
Please complete Mini-case 1, found on page 345 in the 6th edition text
(page 403 in the 5th edition) “Systems Analysis and Design”.
a. Develop a structure chart for this segment of the Holiday Travel Vehicles system.
You can use Visio, WORD, or any other modeling tool to display your structure chart
b. What type of structure chart have you drawn in #a, a transaction structure or a transform structure? Why?
Mini-case -1
In the new system for Holiday Travel Vehicles,
the system users follow a two-stage process to record complete
information on all of the vehicles sold. When an RV or
trailer first arrives at the company from the manufacturer,
a clerk from the inventory department creates a
new vehicle record for it in the computer system.
The data entered at this time include basic descriptive information
on the vehicle such as manufacturer, name,model, year, base cost, and freight charges.
When the vehicle is sold, the new vehicle record is updated to
reflect the final terms of the sale and the dealer-installed
options added to the vehicle.
This information is entered into the system at the time of sale when the
salesperson completes the sales invoice. When it is time for the clerk to finalize the new vehicle record, the clerk will select a menu option from the
system, which is called “Finalize New Vehicle Record.”
The tasks involved in this process are described next.
When the user selects the “Finalize New Vehicle
Record” from the system menu, the user is immediately prompted for the serial number of the new vehicle. This serial number is used to retrieve the new vehicle record
for the vehicle from system storage.
If a record cannot be found, the serial number is probably invalid.
The vehicle serial number is then used to retrieve the option records
that describe the dealer-installed options that were added
to the vehicle at the customer’s request. There may be zero
or more options. The cost of the option specified on the
option record(s) is totaled. Then, the dealer cost is calculated,
using the vehicle’s base cost, freight charge, and
total option cost. The completed new vehicle record is
passed back to the calling module.
a. Develop a structure chart for this segment of the Holiday Travel Vehicles system.
b. What type of structure chart have you drawn, a transaction structure or a transform structure? Why?

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