
The System Design Specification or SDS presents a complete design of the proposed system. A template and guide are attached to these instructions.

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This paper needs to be 9-12 pages. Of this, a minimum of 7 pages must be written text. The other pages should consist of graphics such as diagrams and models.
All components of the double spaced paper must have one inch margins (left, right, top and bottom) and be written in 11 or 12 pitch, Arial or Times New Roman font. No blank lines between paragraphs or sections. Lists and Diagrams are needed but this content does not count towards the 7 pages of text. Use the major section headings and sub-headings exactly as they are given in the template, since they represent required sections of this assignment.

SystemDesign Specification Guide

The system design specification presents the complete system design for an information system and is the basis for the presentations that complete the systems design phase. Following the presentations, the project either progresses to the systems development phase, requires additional systems design work, or is terminated.

System Design Specification

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Table of Contents

1. Management summary (20 pts.)

a. Summary of requirements

b. Development to date

c. Provides a current status report

d. Summarizes project costs and benefits

e. Implementation schedule highlights

f. Any issues that management will need to address

2. System Components (40 pts.)

a. System: This section contains the complete design for the new system, including the user interface, outputs, inputs, files, databases, and network specifications. You should include source documents, report and screen layouts, DFDs, and all other relevant documentation. You also should include the requirements for all support processing, such as backup and recovery, start-up processing, and file retention. If the purchase of a software package is part of the strategy, you must include any interface information required between the package and the system you are developing. If you use a CASE design tool, you can print design diagrams and most other documentation directly from the tool.

3. System Environment (15 pts.)

a. Constraints, or conditions, affecting the system. Examples of operational constraints include transaction volumes that must be supported, data storage requirements, processing schedules, reporting deadlines, and online response times.

b. Requirements that involve operations

c. Hardware (Storage, Input / Output Devices)

d. Systems software, (Interface, Communications or data exchange)

e. Security

4. Implementation requirements (10 pts.)

a. Specify start-up processing

b. Initial data entry or acquisition

c. User training requirements

d. Software test plans

5. Time and cost estimates (15 pts.)

a. Detailed schedules

b. Cost estimates,

c. Staffing requirements

d. Total costs-to-date

6. Additional material

a. Other material can be included at the end of the system design specification. In this section, you might insert documents from earlier phases if they would be helpful to readers.

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American Public University System

System Design Specification

Table of Contents

1. Management summary

a. Summary of requirements

b. Development to date

c. Provides a current status report

d. Summarizes project costs and benefits

e. Implementation schedule highlights

f. Any issues that management will need to address

2. System Components

a. System

3. System Environment

a. Constraints

b. Requirements

c. Hardware (Storage, Input / Output Devises)

d. Systems software

e. Security

4. Implementation requirements

a. Specify start-up processing

b. Initial data entry or acquisition

c. User training requirements

d. Software test plans

5. Time and cost estimates

a. Detailed schedules

b. Cost estimates,

c. Staffing requirements

d. Total costs-to-date

6. Additional material

a. Other material

1. Management Summary

2. System Components

3. System Environment

4. Implementation Requirements

5. Time and cost estimates

6. Additional Material

Case Study Worksheet and Template

Preliminary Investigation and Requirements Report Template

Version 0.1: January 30, 2022

Presented by: Allisa Saga


Client approval: Yes. X No

Note whether your case study needs to be ready in time for a specific event:

Date: January 30, 2022 Event:


Case Study for Lisa Tejada and Ruben Keys
General Information
Company profile

Club IT is under the ownership of Lisa Tejada and Ruben Keys, which operates as an entertainment club offering live music, dance floor, beverages, as well as food.

After the last renovations, Club IT covers 6,000 square feet with a dance floor of approximately 600 square feet and seating capacity of 220 persons.

Revenue in 2004: $1.5 million

The profits made in 2004: $37,691

Business situation

Considering Club IT statement of purpose, it is apparent that the proprietors declare that they “look to fabricate a local area that meets consistently at Club IT”. Accomplishing the destinations in the statement of purpose requires having the option to offer skilled administrations. The business has all the earmarks of being confronting basic stock problems that need brief activities. For example, the diversion premise seems, by all accounts, to be running out of its well-known things habitually while specific oversupplied things are not really sold. Such results have been the primary explanation for the longing to authorize a framework created to adjust their stock levels considering a continuous premise.

Technical situation

The Club IT runs on fundamental workstations intended to involve old abilities from 2005, which incorporate how much RAM, processor, as well as working framework. Current degree of RAM is around 1 gigabyte that is somewhat low for individual tasks in 2005. In such cases, it becomes unreasonable to anticipate that marketed settings should work proficiently from the 1 GB RAM. Running a framework with the Pentium processor is a satisfactory other option, yet it relies upon the age of the processor. Coordinating a refreshed Pentium processor is a significant way to deal with guarantee that it is useful and solid. At long last, using Windows XP Professional offers an optimal working framework however may require the 64-digit form that has a superior unwavering quality status when contrasted with the 32-bit.

Following an assessment on the current functional frameworks, it is obvious that Club IT capacities on obsolete foundation, and that implies it won’t be imaginable to run the stock global positioning framework required. The foundation communicates the longing to force a constant update stock framework intended to change a stock level whenever orders are set. Besides, Club IT expects to foster the capacity to create reports showing pattern information that might involve deals for arranged product, deals from each server, notwithstanding different times during the day when deals of various things were made. One of the main pressing issues communicated by Lisa depends on the privacy of information.

Problem or Opportunity

A popular technique for investigating causes and effects is called a fishbone diagram, or Ishikawa diagram.

Poor technological footprint in terms of hardware and software

There is no automated perpetual inventory system

Project Scope and Constraints

Project scope

The project scope involves forcing dependable foundation as the foundation keeps up with the best expense costs.

The amusement premise needs to introduce a request passage framework that advances all orders set to the data set as it prints the receipt, everything being equal.

The data set framework synchronized with the request passage framework must be created and made flexible for overseeing stock levels from ongoing since everything is submitted in the request put by a particular representative. Such frameworks need to naturally make orders for items found beneath the pre-set adequate edge for a particular item sum.

Partition of data sets should be joined to exhibit the patterns in information. Appropriate models include the offer of arranged things, having circumstances including a server having higher deals, alongside impact of various daytime on deals. It is vital to guarantee that the data set has direct correspondence with the request section framework not withstanding stock framework. Such data sets need to join includes that empower them to trade information to Excel bookkeeping page, print the data, just as send the data through mail.

At last, the prioritization of issues related with information security alongside classification must be thought about.

Project creep

With Club IT being a huge office of around 6,000 square feet, the likelihood of the reason making mechanical headways appears to be incomprehensible. Lisa and Ruben have the interest of growing their business or coordinating exceptionally progressed framework. If such viewpoints neglect to emerge, it is prudent to have the Project Scope totally upgraded to guarantee that it obliges new situation. A stock method might be endangered on the off chance that it isn’t reinvented while information the executives have might appear to be less compelling in rates where there is a lot of data that prompts framework over-burden kindness of disregard from people dependable.


Imperatives include introducing the POS, instituting the Perpetual

Inventory System

, as well as making devoted data sets needed for the appraisal of information patterns. It is feasible to consolidate beneficial imperatives in the future if the proprietors plan to improve their business. In any case, imperatives can be added in view of the proprietors longing. Considering the gave brief, it is normal for such organizations to experience unofficial laws related with the utilization of imperatives towards framework that exist.

Perform Fact-Finding

The best approach should involve arranging for a meeting with the owners to address matters associated with Club IT along with establishing pertinent information. Some of the most appealing inquiries to make during the meeting are as follows.

Interview Questions

I. How could you depict your singular foundations? What are the significant reasons that contributed towards the foundation of Club IT?

II. Can you share a portion of the repetitive changes saw after building up Club IT while thinking about estimate, HR amount, and items or administrations gave?

III. What are the principal business targets set for Club IT in this particular task?

IV. What is a fitting result of the project once all goals have been thought about?

V. Can you distinguish the person that is eventually answerable for verifying there are sufficient assets inside the foundation for improvement of IT frameworks?

VI. Is the administration open to the possibility of supplanting existing hardware with refreshed and improved choices for more dependable IT foundation?

VII. How could you sort the current PC setup? Momentarily express the sorts of programming and equipment being used at Club IT.

VIII. State a portion of the PC applications that you have associated with previously. Do you incline toward explicit applications?

Current Processes
Taking into account that Club IT envelops crude data innovation framework, it is verifiable that most successions depend on case that is fundamental just as somber. The business obviously comes up short on characterized arrangement appropriate in putting orders and for stock part in their framework. With a lot of liabilities at the association coordinating manual exercises, contributions through fusing regular console might be thought of as illogical, which infers the business scarcely takes advantage of the current framework. Right now, it is clear that the business depends on a requesting framework that prints receipts once a request has been set.
List of Requirements
According to the demands from the business operations, the business may find it necessary to have three primary system requirements working with each. The three consist of Point-of-Sale System (POS), Perpetual Inventory System, in addition to the SQL Database System.

POS System

· The system requires personnel to key in an order at designated workstations

· The workstation produces the receipt, prints, just as sends the information to an advanced digital log.

· Any order processed is automatically stored in Perpetual Inventory.

Perpetual Inventory System

· The system automatically acknowledges as well as uploads the order information continuously to have an updated inventory tracking system. Part of the system design is to breakdown items to various ingredients as well as compute it against existing inventory levels.

· System designs are relevant for the identification of inadequate inventory levels as well as providing notification for appropriate personnel to make necessary rectifications.

· Other orders filled out under correct number of products will be generated before being printed.

SQL Database System

· The framework will join two separate data sets by which one depends on stock levels while the other related with deals. Each has joins with Perpetual Inventory Systems just as the POS System.

· Approved employees approach performs inquiries through predefined utility contents.

· A query returns any subsidiary or relevant data. Such reports are ideal since one might send out them to the Excel bookkeeping page, print, as well as an email.

No Sufficient Data Entry


Inventory System

No proper way to track inventory or track the companys data.

No Database System


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