Take Healthcare Off the Mainframe Discussion Topic


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After watching this module’s video and reviewing the module’s websites, address the following question in your initial post:

  • Dishman says, “The health reform bill is largely ignoring the realities of the age wave that’s coming, and the implications for what we need to do to change not only how we pay for care, but deliver care in some radically different ways.” What are some limitations of the ability of our current healthcare system to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse aging population? Include mention of any pertinent stakeholders.

In responding to your peers’ posts, be sure to comment not only on their reaction to Dishman’s TEDMED Talk but also on their discussion of limitations of our current healthcare system. Offer any questions or counterpoints for discussion to your peers’ posts as well. Do you agree or disagree with your peers’ responses to the discussion question? Why or why not?

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November 2009

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Take health care off the mainframe
Eric Dishman

At TEDMED, Eric Dishman makes a bold argument: The US health care system is like computing circa 1959, tethered to big, unwieldy central systems: hospitals, doctors, nursing homes. As our aging population booms, it’s imperative, he says, to create personal, networked, home-based health care for all.

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This talk was presented at an official TED conference. TED’s editors chose to feature it for you.
Talk details

At TEDMED, Eric Dishman makes a bold argument: The US health care system is like computing circa 1959, tethered to big, unwieldy central systems: hospitals, doctors, nursing homes. As our aging population booms, it’s imperative, he says, to create personal, networked, home-based health care for all.

This talk was presented at an official TED conference. TED’s editors chose to feature it for you.

About the speaker

Eric Dishman
Social scientist

See speaker profile

Eric Dishman does health care research for Intel — studying how new technology can solve big problems in the system for the sick, the aging and, well, all of us.

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