the ethical concerns in the 3 diverse psychological research


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Researchers must protect participants and be aware of appropriate methods for obtaining information. What ethical considerations are important to research? In about 2 pages, write an analysis of the ethical concerns in the 3 diverse psychological research studies below. Be sure to include a paragraph of overall ethical consideration.


Researchers must protect participants and be aware of appropriate methods for obtaining information. What ethical considerations are important to research? In about 2 pages, write an analysis of the ethical concerns in the 3 diverse psychological research studies below. Be sure to include a paragraph of overall ethical consideration.

This paper should be 2-3 pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references: Prior to submitting your paper, be sure you proofread your work to check your spelling and grammar. If you use any outside sources, please cite those sources in APA citation format.

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Haslam, S. A., & Reicher, S. D. (2012). 

Contesting the ‘nature’ of conformity: What Milgram and Zimbardo’s studies really show

. Plos Biology, 10(11), doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001426

Larsen, K. S. (1974). 

Conformity in the Asch experiment

. The Journal Of Social Psychology, 94(2), 303-304. doi:10.1080/00224545.1974.9923224

Mischel, W., Ayduk, O., Berman, M. G., Casey, B. J., Gotlib, I. H., Jonides, J., & … Shoda, Y. (2011). ‘

Willpower’ over the life span: Decomposing self-regulation

. Social Cognitive And Affective Neuroscience, 6(2), 252-256. doi:10.1093/scan/nsq081

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