The purpose of this assignment is to assess your understanding of the four basic elements of clause structure (subject, predicator, complement, and adjunct).


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I. Identify the subject, predicator, complement, and adjunct in each of the following clauses. (2.5 Points)

1- I couldn’t find the word in the dictionary.

2- Fog and ice are making the roads very dangerous.

3- Her husband was driving the car at the time of the accident.

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4- Many residents must travel long distances to a grocery store.

5- He is a distinguished professor of law at the University of Illinois.

There are TWO tests for elements of clause structure. Explain in detail and support your answer with examples.  

ENG 380 Stylistics



(5 points)



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The purpose of this assignment is to assess your understanding of the four basic elements of clause structure (subject, predicator, complement, and adjunct).

Answer the following questions. (5 Points)

Identify the subject, predicator, complement, and adjunct in each of the following clauses. (2.5 Points)

1- I couldn’t find the word in the dictionary.

2- Fog and ice are making the roads very dangerous.

3- Her husband was driving the car at the time of the accident.

4- Many residents must travel long distances to a grocery store.

5- He is a distinguished professor of law at the University of Illinois.

There are TWO tests for elements of clause structure. Explain in detail and support your answer with examples. (2.5 Points)







With My Best Wishes


ENG 380 Stylistics



(5 points)



Student ID:



The purpose of this assignment is to assess your understanding of the four basic elements of clause structure (subject, predicator, complement, and adjunct).

Answer the following questions. (5 Points)

Identify the subject, predicator, complement, and adjunct in each of the following clauses. (2.5 Points)

1- I couldn’t find the word in the dictionary.

2- Fog and ice are making the roads very dangerous.

3- Her husband was driving the car at the time of the accident.

4- Many residents must travel long distances to a grocery store.

5- He is a distinguished professor of law at the University of Illinois.

There are TWO tests for elements of clause structure. Explain in detail and support your answer with examples. (2.5 Points)







With My Best Wishes


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