Thesis-Driven Reflective Essay

For this essay, I am asking someone to write this essay as if you were me. By that I mean pretend that you were assigned 50 free writing prompts to do over a school semester.  For this essay, you will “reflect” on what you have derived from “practicing” free writing over the course of this semester, and you will determine the significance of this practice in the form of an explicit thesis statement that guides your essay and is developed by specific details.  (Free writing means in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without worrying about rhetorical concerns or conventions and mechanics, sometimes working from a specific prompt.)  A Reflective Essay describes an experience or event and then analyzes it in order to unravel the meaning of the experience and share with readers what was learned from it. For this Reflective Essay, you’ll return to your 50 experiences of free writing that you “did” this semester and invite your readers into what you gleaned from those sessions and what you see in the writing you produced during them.

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