This e-mail is to inform that your Motor Vehicle Insurance certificate C23544115 is generated by Directline Assurance Company Ltd.. Below are the details of the new Motor Vehicle Insurance certificate. Certificate # : C23544115 Policy # : 99010031 Vehicl

 This e-mail is to inform that your Motor Vehicle Insurance certificate C23544115 is generated by Directline Assurance Company Ltd.. Below are the details of the new Motor Vehicle Insurance certificate.
Certificate # : C23544115Policy # : 99010031Vehicle Registration # : KBH050MChassis # : CHASKBH050MCertificate Validity Duration : 04/07/2021 16:13 to 03/08/2021Sum Insured : 0
Please find the PDF attachment of the Motor Vehicle Insurance Certificate.
Recommended paper quality for printing the certificate is 130 GSM & must be printed on a colour printer, preferably using a laser printer with 300 DPI or higher.
The Insurance certificate can now be verified. To verify the certificate you can use the following options:

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  • Download and install the AKI VIC Verification App from Google Playstore or Apple store.
  • Dial *352# on the mobile phone in Kenya and follow the prompts.

Additionally, the Motor Vehicle Insurance certificate is now authenticated by digital signature (For those with the technical expertise). Please follow the below mentioned steps to validate the digital signature:

  • Right Click on Signature and select Show Signature Properties
  • Click on Show Signer’s Certificate
  • Click on Trust
  • Click on Add to Trusted Certificates
  • Click on OK
  • Update check on all the un-ticked boxes & click OK
  • Click on Validate Signature
  • Click on Close
  • Tick mark will be displayed in Green
  • Signature validation process is successfully completed

The digital signature will be best viewed on Adobe Acrobat Reader version 11. However, steps for validating the digital signature are same for Acrobat Reader versions 8, 9, 10 & 11. Detailed video about your digital certificate can be viewed by clicking here.
For any further clarification, please reply to this email.

Regards,AKI D-MVIC Team.
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