This e-mail is to inform that your Motor Vehicle Insurance certificate C23984270 is generated by Directline Assurance Company Ltd.. Below are the details of the new Motor Vehicle Insurance certificate.
Certificate # : C23984270Policy # : 99028992Vehicle Registration # : KBH050MChassis # : CHASKBH050MCertificate Validity Duration : 05/10/2021 10:53 to 04/11/2021Sum Insured : 0
Please find the PDF attachment of the Motor Vehicle Insurance Certificate.
Recommended paper quality for printing the certificate is 130 GSM & must be printed on a colour printer, preferably using a laser printer with 300 DPI or higher.
The Insurance certificate can now be verified. To verify the certificate you can use the following options:
Additionally, the Motor Vehicle Insurance certificate is now authenticated by digital signature (For those with the technical expertise). Please follow the below mentioned steps to validate the digital signature:
The digital signature will be best viewed on Adobe Acrobat Reader version 11. However, steps for validating the digital signature are same for Acrobat Reader versions 8, 9, 10 & 11. Detailed video about your digital certificate can be viewed by clicking here.