This is Comprehensive Problem 1 Part 7: The following is a comprehensive problem which encompasses all of the elements learned in previous chapters. You can refer to the objectives for each chapter covered as a review of the concepts. Note: You must compl

 This is Comprehensive Problem 1 Part 7: The following is a comprehensive problem which encompasses all of the elements learned in previous chapters. You can refer to the objectives for each chapter covered as a review of the concepts. Note: You must complete parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 before completing part 7. Part 5 is optional. Next is Comprehensive Problem 1 Part 4 and Part 6: The following is a comprehensive problem which encompasses all of the elements learned in previous chapters. You can refer to the objectives for each chapter covered as a review of the concepts. Note: You must complete parts 1, 2 and 3 before completing parts 4 and 6. Please note that part 5 is optional. I have also provided comprehensive question #1 3-7 with the answers to be used as a reference guide. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

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