This week’s assignment consists of envisioning a business idea and submitting a one page minimum paper in which you identify the business including its mission, vision, primary product or service, and describe a SWOT analysis relative to its planned expan


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This week’s assignment consists of envisioning a business idea and submitting a one page minimum paper in which you identify the business including its mission, vision, primary product or service, and describe a SWOT analysis relative to its planned expansion.

You are the owner and CEO of a business. Your business has eight locations. Each location has a location manager (who is the middle manager), a supervisor (who is the frontline level manager), and four employees. Your strategic goal for the business over the next five years is to expand into a new geographic region and to increase the number and types of products or services your business provides.

Choose a product or service that you would like your business to primarily provide. Compose a paper that begins by identifying the business type, stating your primary vision and mission for this business, and briefly describe (in one paragraph or less) the product or service your business provides to its customers.

Then, referring to your assigned readings and other classroom preparatory materials regarding SWOT analysis, type a paper of at least one full double-spaced page, describing at least one potential strength, one potential weakness, one potential opportunity, and one potential threat that could influence or affect your strategic goal of expanding your business over the next five years.

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Write your Assignment in paragraph form, using Microsoft Word. Your document should be at least 1 double-spaced page in length, using size 12-point type size. This Assignment should be free of spelling and punctuation errors.

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