To complete this reflection assignment, there are questions to be answered. These questions are located in the file that has been uploaded for you. This is a college level assignment and must be double-spaced, with 12-point font.


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To complete this reflection assignment, there are questions to be answered. These questions are located in the file that has been uploaded for you. This is a college level assignment and must be double-spaced, with 12-point font.


Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and in Wealth

Write a reaction to the film including what stood out to you most. Contemplate a few of the questions below and incorporate into your reflection.

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· How do the lives of Jim Taylor, Tondra Young, Corey Anderson and Mary Turner exemplify concepts like the wealth-health gradient and the importance of power and control? What does comparing data maps of disease rates in the different Louisville council districts reveal? What might explain observed differences?

· Describe examples from the film that illustrate how racism imposes an additional health burden on people of color. Give examples of both “everyday” racism (being treated unfairly) and “structural” racism (access to resources, power, status and wealth) and describe how these might affect health in different ways.

· Dr. Adewale Troutman says that he promotes individual responsibility, but always within the context of social determinants. Why does he link the two? What is missing if we focus exclusively on individual responsibility? How does this affect possibilities for change?

· What did the Whitehall study reveal about the connection between health and wealth? What is the wealth-health gradient?

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