To develop an activity plan designed to teach cooperative problem solving


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Chapter 3 Scenario: Pre-K Cooperative Problem Solving B

Objective and Scenario

To develop an activity plan designed to teach cooperative problem solving to a group of four- and five-year-olds and to evaluate that activity.

 As a pre-K teacher, you need to create an activity plan for your class of four- and five-year-olds. Students will be divided into groups of about two. You’ve been using pictures and slides to ask students questions about animals, and you want to use that theme in a setting that will encourage cooperative problem-solving. For a few of the children, English is their second language.

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Focus Assignment

1. Talk to each group about what animal-related problem they would like to solve. Describe three tasks that will be part of the activity. Each task should be based on one or more of the methods suggested in the text that will help ensure true cooperative learning. One task should address ensuring that the English language learners are fully engaged in the process.
2. Be sure to read the SELF-EVALUATION section below to guide your thinking. Write your self-evaluation after you have completed mapping out your plan.


1. For each task:
     a. Explain how this task addresses the issues in the scenario.

2. Describe and justify how your approach would improve teaching and learning in the scenario.

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