Topic Proposal Your topic proposal is ″Divorce Laws″ should include the following: Brief desсrіption of the current social problem/issue you have chosen. Brief explanation of the reason(s) you chose this issue. Why is this issue interesting and important


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Topic Proposal Your topic proposal is ″Divorce Laws″ should include the following: Brief desсrіption of the current social problem/issue you have chosen. Brief explanation of the reason(s) you chose this issue. Why is this issue interesting and important to you? List of five issue questions (see sample below). Working claim/thesis statement: Your idea(s) about how we might work towards a “solution” of the problem. What can we do to reduce the problems caused by your issue? For example, if your issue is the rising cost of college education, the following are sample issue questions: Is tuition rising because colleges waste money? Is rising student debt jeopardizing the value of college? Should Congress penalize colleges that raise fees? How equitable is higher education? Should college tuition be free? Should states increase funding for public schools? Where might the money come from? Does higher spending on public education by states increase students’ success rate?

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