Triple constraints

 Determine the project priority matrix for each case. Review the case and determine whether each project constraint (cost, time, scope) should be: • Constrained • Enhanced • Accepted Produce a table or short statement justifying each constraint for each case. 

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 Write a project statement of work (SOW) for your student project. The statement should address: • Project objective • Describe scope, time, and cost Limit your SOW to 250- to 500-words. 

TCM 701 1


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Exercise 2.1
What are Constraints?

Determine the project priority matrix for each case. Review the case and determine whether
each project constraint (cost, time, scope) should be:
• Constrained
• Enhanced
• Accepted

Produce a table or short statement justifying each constraint for each case.

Case 1
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a scientific federal agency
researching the conditions of the oceans and atmosphere. With origins dating to 1807, NOAA
is best known for weather forecasting provided by the National Weather Service. NOAA
announced a $5.7 million research program for improving hazardous and extreme weather
condition forecasting including a project to determine the origins of tornado rotation.

Case 2
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, created the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and
women by setting and enforcing standards and providing training, outreach, and education. Of
the 4,679 fatal workplace injuries reported in 2014, 403 were homicides. OSHA is funding a
$2.4 million research grant to determine the origins, preventive programs, and workforce
training needed to address violence in the workplace.

Case 3
AT&T is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world providing data
management, mobile phone, entertainment content, and traditional local and long-distance
phone service. The acquisition of DIRECTV fulfills the company’s goal to provide
entertainment content to all of North America. The implementation now involves a project to
integrate AT&T’s UVERSE internet-based feed with DIRECTV’s satellite feed into a common
service package for all customers.

Exercise 2.2
Statement of Work

This exercise starts your student project that will be used for several homework exercises. The
scenario is that you work for the fictitious company: Bear Claw Corporation. You are a project
manager assigned to a new project. You are in the defining and planning phases and tasked to
produce the project planning documents. This exercise produces the project statement of

TCM 701 2

Start by selecting your project. It should be a real-world type of project. Something you might
do in your professional work or with a volunteer organization. If you need some inspiration,
search for some government projects in your occupational field. Keep it interesting and include
both internal and external resources –this means Bear Claw Corporation employees do some
of the work and consultants, contractors, and vendors do other work.

You want a good size project, so you have an interesting project plan. Create something in the
6- to 24-month range. Anything less than six months tends to have too little planning effort for
this course. Conceive a budget in the $250k to $1 million range. This ensures a good size
project with lots of activities.

Write a project statement of work (SOW) for your student project. The statement should
• Project objective
• Describe scope, time, and cost

Limit your SOW to 250- to 500-words.

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