Two Simple ERD problems

Two Simple ERD problems

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Assignment 3 Instructions
Business Applications of Database Management I
Question 23(a) on the textbook chapter 6. Question 13
on the textbook chapter 7 (This question is not precisely
the same as the textbook since some questions have
been modified). The assignment has requirements,
guidance, and tips at the end of this file. The instruction
file has three pages.
Please answer your question using your laptop. It won’t be accepted if you draw
anything on paper and scan it.
23. For the following excerpt from an ERD, specify the logical (relational) schema
as per the foreign key design in the following ways:
a. using directed arcs
13. Consider the universal relation schema INVENTORY (Store#, Item, Vendor,
Date, Cost, Units, Manager, Price, Sale, Size, Color, Location) and the constraint
set F {fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5, fd6, fd7} where: (Please make sure to see guidance
and tips below before answering the question):
a. Do the functional dependencies shown constitute a minimal cover of F? If not,
derive a minimal cover.
b. Derive the candidate key(s) of F.
c. Select the primary key and justify your choice.
Guidance and Tips for Doing the Assignment:
23a. What is the child? What is the parent? What are the candidate keys of the
parent? What is the foreign key of the child? What candidate or primary key of
the parents matches the foreign key?
a. F will be minimal cover if there are no redundant attributes or redundant FDS in
b. The synthesis or decomposition approach is used to derive the candidate keys
(see Table 7.3, pp. 379 – 380).
c. Once you have all the candidate keys, you can choose the primary key.
Requirement for the Assignment:
When you upload your homework, please ensure that it falls under any of the file
types listed below:
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Microsoft Word (.doc)
Suppose the TA has trouble understanding your answer; that will be treated as
wrong. Please read the following part carefully; it will help you finish your
assignment and answer questions in a proper way.

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