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Project 1: Origins, Characters, and
Peculiarities of the Mythological
Due Feb 18 by 11:59pm Points 50
Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
File Types doc, docx, ppt, pdf, jpeg, and png
Available Feb 2 at 12am – Feb 21 at 11:59pm 20 days
This assignment was locked Feb 21 at 11:59pm.
Objective: This assignment is aligned with the following learning outcomes:
Interpret and evaluate cultural artifacts and/or their contexts for significance
by analyzing the role of classical mythology in Western Art, from Antiquity to
Demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking, information literacy and
Demonstrate understanding of global socio-cultural responsibility by
identifying the ways in which the myths reflect society’s views of gender, race,
class, or sexual identities.
Understand cultural expressions and recognize the relationships between
these cultural expressions and their contexts.
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Step 1. ANALYZE: Read, summarize and analyze the following resources from
Module 2.1 and the assigned readings in Module 3:
Mecano’s Still Life. See lyrics and translation in case study in Module 2 (song
– if you want to listen to it, go here (
v=7lSp8iSmdLY) )
Who was King Minos, really? See article in Module 3 (Articles and videos)
The myth of the Minotaur. See resources in Module 3 (Articles and videos)
Step 2. DISCUSS: Discuss the main themes, and what category of myth or
storytelling is portrayed in each of these case studies. Explain why you identify it
as such. See our Module 2 Glossary, and the summary on Approaches to
storytelling for these categories.
Step 3. ILLUSTRATE: Find images that illustrate or evoke each of these case
study/myths. You must present 2 or 3 images per case study. All images must
comply with the following:
They must be identified with the title of the artwork, name of the artist, and
year of completion.
Images must be of good resolution and size (at least 3″x3″)
All sources for the images must be included in the bibliography
For Mecano’s Still Life:
do not use the images that appear in the YouTube versions of the
do not use images of still lives or vanitas, as they belong to a particular
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do not use images of still lives or vanitas, as they belong to a particular
genre in art history completely unrelated to the story in the song.
Please identify your work with a header that includes your full name, the
course number (HUM 2020), and the term (Spring, 2022)
This is a written assignment with images, to be submitted online.
Please use academically acceptable fonts (e.g. Arial or Times New
Roman), size 12, double-spaced.
All submission must be done in or ppt files.
The project should not exceed 6 pages (including list of sources).
If the student completed his/her work hand-written they must scan or
photograph their project in order to send it online as a JPEG or PDF
This is an individual work. Any unacceptable similarities between
classmates’ assignments will be dubbed suspicious and will be awarded 0.
All assignments are subjects to norms of academic integrity. Plagiarism
must be avoided. All citations must be done in MLA or Chicago style.
Sources: All sources used for this paper, including those used for images,
must be included in a separate page. Bibliographical information must also
be presented in in MLA or Chicago style.
Grace period: A 3-day grace period is granted, but bear in mind that a
penalty of 2 points per day will be applied to the assignment score of late
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Points: 50
Please remember to add page with all your sources, including those web pages
you retrieved your images from.
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Total Points: 50
Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
10 pts
5 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts
Accurate summary of the story
Discussion and accurate selection of story category. See “Glossary”, and the
summary on “Approaches to storytelling” for these categories.
The image portrays the scene of the story, or present a representation that
evokes the story.
The image is adequately identified, per instructions.
The student presents a list of the sources used in the assignment (including
those used for images) and presents them in the required MLA or Chicago
Grammar and style
No or minimal grammar/style errors.
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