UN The Significance of Indexing and Abstracting Discussion

Discussion Question

Based on the readings in Module I (textbook and other recommended readings), discuss at least two ideas or takeaways that you have learned  from the Module I readings.

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Module 2: Activity Discussion

As we delve into the core issues of information indexing and retrieval, Module-2’s reading materials are discussing core issues including the relationship between subject and object, and the relationship between user and information sources. So, let’s continue our discussions on issues like: why indexes are important in information organizations? What are the major benefits of indexing?

Module-1: Mini Lecture

Introduction to Indexing and Abstracting:Background and Nature of Information

What is an index? The short answer is that it is an information retrieval tool. According to the British indexing standard (BS3700:1988), an index is a systematic arrangement of entries designed to enable users to locate information in a document. (Source: Indexing by Edu Tech WikiLinks to an external site. is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 3.0Links to an external site..) In light of the evolving scholarly communication, there are of course, many types of indexes. Regardless, an index is simply a systematic representation of an information-bearing object (text, images, or other resource) that helps users find needles in the information haystack. It points users to specific items on topics of interest. It shows users related topics and indicates information trails through the vast information stores we have out there. A good index helps users find what they need, even when they are not sure themselves what they need.

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An abstract is one step up from an index in the sense that it’s an abbreviated and accurate representation of the contents of the document. Like an index, the objective is to capture the essential content of the document. An index leads to documents of potential usefulness on a topic. An abstract reveals specific content and allows the user to determine if the full document or object should be retrieved and used. Good abstracts are based on good analysis of the document and are high quality literary pieces, well organized and well written.

You probably took indexes and abstracts for granted, if, indeed, you ever gave them a second thought. Probably you just thought of them as “being there” and never considered their strength and weaknesses. Criticizing them never entered your mind. In this course we will not take indexing and abstracting for granted. It takes intelligence, skill, and a great deal of common sense to create professional indexes.

To fully understand what an index is, it is necessary to be both micro- and macro-minded. On the micro level, we concern ourselves with the specific mechanics of creating an index. On the macro level we put an index into the larger context of an information retrieval system. And that leads us to think about what an information retrieval system is. When we say “information retrieval” we are usually referring to computer-based systems, but the library exemplifies an institution for information storage and retrieval that uses manual as well as computer methods. An information retrieval (IR) system is a simple concept that it stores records in a file (computer or manual), accepts requests for information, searches the file and brings back up appropriate information for the user. The purpose is to give users the information they need with a minimum of effort on their part. A good IR system stores huge amounts of information, but at the same time it can effectively retrieve needed information rapidly and accurately. This can only be done if the index to the information is valid.

Well, Web 2.0 is more than a buzzword. It is the foundation for delivering a rich user experience to end users on the Web while leveraging the benefits of composite applications, mash ups, Service-Oriented Architectures, and ubiquity of the Internet. Information professionals have been concerned with developing and enhancing methods for information storage and retrieval to handle the dramatic growth both in the amount of information and the need to provide access to it, and to do so with economic efficiency.

The principles are simple: we store the information by selecting the information our users might need. Then we establish a vocabulary of terms for describing them. Next we assign terms to each specific data item and arrange assigned terms into usable formats to create records. Then we store the records and set up a file of index terms to access the record. Retrieval of information then involves the user expressing requests by using terms from the common vocabulary and searching the file and matching requests with stored records. Finally the system retrieves and presents the results. Of course, none of this will work at all if the indexing is wrong.

With the explosive growth of digital information resources, indexing and information organization skills are needed more than ever. Well, if you are inspired to look at this as a career goal, we will come back to this topic in Module-11. In the meantime, we will explore various facets of indexing and abstracting issues in

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