Unit 8 Written Assignment

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Review one of the free online “IQ” tests that are on the internet. In your review, you want to include an APA-style citation of the web address or PDF of the “IQ test.” You will do an analysis of the reliability and validity of the “IQ” test if there is information about those factors included on the site, otherwise, you will address the concerns that come with not having any available information on reliability and validity. Then you will pick a theory of intelligence that is the basis for the instrument you found online (e.g. Cattell, Luria, Sternberg, Spearman, etc) and indicate how this measure fits in with that theory or why you believe this theory is the basis for the measure if it is not clearly stated on the site. Finally, you will discuss the ethical issues of the administration and interpretation process of an internet-based IQ/general ability test.

A few tips:

Clearly explain the theory you have chosen and how it applies/does not apply to the test

Specifically reference the APA Code when talking about ethical issues

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Other than the online test you chose to examine do not cite online sources, blogs, or websites – use scholarly sources, which includes peer-reviewed journal articles, the textbook, or reference books.

Avoid the use of contractions or casual writing.

Professional writing is very objective, so don’t state your opinions or use “I” in your responses, instead, you would write something like “This paper will provide an analysis of the X IQ test which is found online at XXX” instead of “for this paper, I am going to talk about the X IQ test.”

There are several alleged “IQ” tests from various sites on the internet. Many of these are free to the general public for self-administration and there may be a guide with how to interpret those tests. Typically, they may not be standardized on any population.

In a paper using APA style, students will write a maximum of 5 pages (not including cover page or references) and will address the following:

· Review one online intelligence instrument. Please make sure to include the citation in APA style (web address or pdf).

· Analyze the reliability/validity of the test (if it exists). If there is no apparent reliability, discuss the problems with not having an indicated reliability and validity.

· Identify a particular theory of intelligence that is the base of the instrument chosen (e.g., Cattell, Sternberg, Luria, Spearman, etc.).

· Explain the ethics of the administration and interpretation process of internet-supplied intelligence or general ability tests to the best of your ability.

WrittenAssignment Unit 8 Grading Rubric

Instructions & Resources

Students will follow the instructions for their Written Assignment for Unit 8. The paper should be 1500-2000 words (not including the Title and
Reference pages) and be written in proper APA format. The paper should address the following components in the Grading Rubric:

FO 707: Written Assignment Unit 8 Grading Rubric
Novice Internship Entry-Level Graduate

Selection of Instrument Selection of intelligence
instrument rationale is
described. Identification of
theory of intelligence is
described. Construction of
intelligence test is
described. Comparison of
instruments is
described. Insufficient
scholarly support
(scientific literature,
course texts, and/or other
course reading) is

0-9 pts

1-2 rationale for selection
of intelligence instrument
are described in detail. 1-2
rationale for identifying
the theory of intelligence
are described in detail.1-2
thoughts and/or
considerations for
construction of
intelligence test are
described in detail.
Comparison of
instruments is provided
without sufficient detail.
Minimal scholarly support
(scientific literature,
course texts, and/or other
course reading) 1-2 items
are included.

10-15 pts

3-4 rationale for selection
of intelligence instrument
are described in sufficient
detail. 3-4 rationale for
identifying the theory of
intelligence are described
in sufficient detail. 3-4
thoughts and/or
considerations for
construction of intelligence
test are described in
sufficient detail.
Comparison of instruments
is provided in sufficient
detail. Scholarly support
(scientific literature, course
texts, and/or other course
reading) 3-4 items are

16-18 pts

5 or more rationales for
selection of intelligence
are clearly described with
extensive details
provided. 5 or more
rationales for identifying
the theory of intelligence
are clearly described with
extensive details
provided. 5 or more
thoughts and/or
considerations for
construction of
intelligence test are
clearly described with
extensive details
provided. Comparison of
instruments is elaborated
upon with extensive
details provided. Scholarly
support (scientific
literature, course texts,
and/or other course
reading) 5 or more are

19-20 pts

20 pts

Total = 20 pts

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