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BUS523 Quantitative
Analysis for Managers

Sensitivity of Financial Data Analysis

Due Date: Sunday by 11:59 p.m. EST of Unit 3
Total Points: 100

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 Using the Excel Financial Forecast worksheet from Assignment #1, determine the
‘sensitivity’ of the model by adjusting the values of growth rate in sales and cost of
goods sold/net sales. Increase and decreases the % values for 2016 and observe
and record the results. Create an Excel chart for each (growth rate in sales and
cost of goods sold/net sales) and explain the resulting impact on external funding

o For example: Change growth in sales from 70% to 95% by 5% increments,
recording, and charting the resulting change in external funding required.
Chart this data and provide justification.

 Explain the results of your analysis of the growth rate in sales and cost of goods
sold/net sales.

o Include the two charts (properly labeled) in your summary

 Explain how these results may affect the external funding the client is looking for.


 All questions posed must be addressed completely.

 Length: two-page Executive Summary

 Include the two charts.

 All sources used must be properly cited in APA format.

Be sure to read the criteria, by which your assignment will be evaluated,
before you write, and again after you write.

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Evaluation Rubric for Sensitivity of Financial Data Assignment

CRITERIA Exemplary Proficient Deficient

(18 – 20 Points) (13 – 17 Points) (0 – 12 Points)

Growth Rate of Sales


Chart and evaluation

are clearly presented,

including all key


Chart and evaluation

are presented,

though key details

may not be clearly

or completely

Chart and evaluation

are inadequate or


Cost of Goods

Sold/Net Sales

Chart and evaluation
are clearly presented,
including all key
Chart and evaluation
are presented,
though key details
may not be clearly
or completely
Chart and evaluation

are inadequate or is


Results Analysis Analysis fully

addresses the results

of the growth rate in

sales and cost of

goods sold/net sales.

Analysis mostly

addresses the results
of the growth rate in
sales and cost of
goods sold/net sales.

Analysis is inadequate

or missing.

Impact Analysis Analysis fully

addresses how the

results may affect the

external funding.

Analysis mostly
addresses how the
results may affect the
external funding.

Analysis is inadequate
or missing.

(9 – 10 Points) (7 – 8 Points) (0 – 6 Points)

Length 2 pages 1 page Less than 1 page or

more than 2 pages

Clear and


Writing and APA


Writing and format are

clear, professional,

APA compliant, and


Few errors that do

not impede



Errors impede



guidelines not

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