US military history


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How successful has the US military been at learning from history since 1945?

H400A1 Outline and Annotated Bibliography

Write a double-spaced, one to two-page outline covering your approach and answer to the argumentative essay topic question, including the thesis, major points, and supporting points of evidence. You must also submit a one-page annotated bibliography of sources that you plan to consult for the paper. The outline is due by COB on 7 February 2022.

Paragraph “c” below lists the topic for this essay. The graded requirement will be a sentence outline of no more than two double-spaced pages in length. The outline will include an attention step, thesis statement, major points of evidence, and conclusion. This requirement is pass/fail. See Annex E for instructions on creating a sentence outline and annotated bibliography. Your instructor will return your outline with comments on how to improve your argument and evaluate the sources. You must attach this to your argumentative essay when you turn in that requirement. Failure to complete a passing outline will result in the essay grade being reduced ten (10) points (a full letter grade).

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H400A2 Argumentative Essay

Write a double spaced, 10-12 page argumentative essay on the topic in section “c” below. For those officers that have applied for and been granted authorization to opt-out of the CGSOC MOS program, and with SGA and team leader approval, the requirement is a double spaced-3-5 page argumentative essay on the topic in section “c” below. Regardless of page length, all essays are due by COB 7 March 2022.

The essay will include documentation in the form of endnotes or footnotes (but not in-text citations). See Annex A for endnote and footnote formats.

You are expected to research and develop your topic throughout the length of the H400 block. The expectation is graduate level work and developing an argument supported by evidence. Use of the library to research your topic is encouraged.

Attach the graded outline with your instructor’s comments to your submitted essay. Keep in mind that while you may discuss the implications of the essay topic for today’s military, this is a history paper, not just an opinion piece. You will be assessed on your ability to analyze and use history as a tool for informing professional judgment.

The argumentative essay will conform to the writing standards found in the annexes of the H400 Syllabus and Book of Readings.

If you fail to turn in your H400 essay on the due date assigned, you will lose ten (10) points (a full letter grade) for each day the assignment is late.

Argumentative Essay Topic Question:



  • Staff Group:
  • Date:
  • Instructor:
  • Assignment:
  • Overall Grade:
  • A: 100-90%
    Written work demonstrates mastery of the continuum of competition, conflict, and war by analyzing the historical context of large scale
    combat operations through battles, campaigns, operational variables, mission variables, key leader decisions, or tenets of key theorists.
    Furthermore, the written work reaches conclusions that transcend the block material. Essay is concise, adheres to the style guide, exhibits
    appropriate tone, and has no spelling or grammar errors. The writer uses appropriate and sufficient historical evidence with correct
    documentation. Thesis is clear and unambiguous.
    B: 80-89%
    Written work demonstrates basic knowledge of the continuum of competition, conflict, and war by analyzing the historical context of large
    scale combat operations through battles, campaigns, operational variables, mission variables, key leader decisions, or tenets of key
    theorists. There are some minor deficiencies in organization, style, tone, spelling, or grammar. There are some minor deficiencies in use of
    historical evidence or documentation. Thesis is present but lacks clarity.
    C: 70-79%
    Written work demonstrates poor comprehension of continuum of competition, conflict, and war and has inadequate historical context
    analysis of large scale combat operations through battles, campaigns, operational variables, mission variables, key leader decisions, or
    tenets of key theorists. There are major deficiencies in organization, style, tone, spelling, and grammar. There are major deficiencies in use
    of historical evidence, documentation, and argumentation in developing a central thesis.
    U: 69% or Below
    Written work demonstrates little to no comprehension of the continuum of competition, conflict, and war or historical context of large
    scale combat operations through battles, campaigns, operational variables, mission variables, key leader decisions, or tenets of key
    theorists. There are significant deficiencies in organization, style, tone, spelling, and grammar that affect the argument. There are
    significant deficiencies both in use of evidence and documentation.

  • Feedback to Student:
  • Assessing Writing

    CGSC Form 1009W H400BAS-19 @USACGSC

    H400 Argumentative Essay Rubric

    Thesis Substance Organization Style and

    100% –

    Articulates a clear and
    original position on the
    assignment’s central
    issues. Sharply focused
    on the central issue.
    Fully addresses the

    Factually correct.
    Addresses nuances of
    argument. Draws from
    appropriate sources.
    Shows the complexity of
    the subject.

    Organization is clear, logical,
    and progressive, making
    explicit the reasoning and
    relationship of ideas.
    Paragraphs contain clear topic
    sentences and focus on a
    single idea. Paragraphs are
    progressive within the
    context of the argument.

    Understandable in a
    single rapid reading
    and free of errors in
    grammar, mechanics,
    and usage. Shows
    additional resources
    from across the
    curriculum and are
    properly cited.

    80% –

    Articulates a
    position on the central
    issues raised by the
    assignment. Thesis
    identifies main point
    but lacks clarity.
    Addresses the
    question in most

    Factually correct
    in most instances but
    contains a few errors.
    Addresses nuances of
    argument but makes some
    overall generalizations or
    self-evident statements
    that need further
    explanation. Draws from
    course sources in order to
    develop argument.

    Is mostly clear, logical, and
    progressive, with the
    relationship among ideas
    mostly clear. Paragraphs may
    contain a topic sentence and
    focus on more than a single
    idea. Paragraphs are awkward
    in progression within the
    context of the argument.

    understandable in a
    single rapid reading.
    Some problems in
    grammar, mechanics,
    or usage. Generally
    correct documentation
    of sources.

    70% –

    Thesis does not
    identify a main
    point and fails to
    address the
    question clearly.

    Numerous factually
    incorrect statements.
    Generalizes and
    oversimplifies the
    argument. Lacks
    evidence and makes
    unsupported assertions.

    Lacks clarity, logic, and
    progression, with the
    relationship among ideas
    unclear. Paragraphs do not
    contain clear topic sentence and
    focus on a more than one idea.
    Paragraphs are not progressive
    within the context of the

    Hard to understand in
    a single rapid reading.
    Significant problems
    in grammar,
    mechanics, or usage.
    Lacks documentation
    of sources.


    There is no thesis. Factually incorrect in
    most areas. Gross
    oversimplification of
    argument. Lacks
    evidence and makes
    unsupported assertions.

    Lacks nearly all clarity, logic,
    or progression in development
    of argument. Paragraphs have
    no topic sentence and lack
    logical focus. Paragraphs are
    not progressive and
    disconnected to the overall
    context of the argument.

    Hard to understand in a
    single rapid reading.
    Significant problems in
    grammar, mechanics,
    or usage. Little or no
    documentation of

    Assessing Writing

    CGSC Form 1009W H400BAS-20 @USACGSC

    • Student:
    • Staff Group: Date: Instructor: Assignment:

      A: 100-90%
      B: 80-89%
      C: 70-79%
      U: 69% or below
      Feedback to Student:

      Staff Group:
      Overall Grade:
      Feedback to Student:

    1. Substance A:
    2. Organization A:
    3. Style and Correctness A:
    4. Substance B:
    5. Organization B:
    6. Style&Correct B:
    7. Thesis C:
    8. Sustance C:
    9. Organization C:
    10. Style&Correct C:
    11. Thesis U:
    12. Substance U:
    13. Organization U:
    14. Style&Correct U:
    15. Thesis B:
    16. Thesis A:
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