Using the data below, put your data into the calculator (Minutes in L1 and Average in L2) then calculate the…

Using the data below, put your data into the calculator (Minutes in L1 and Average in L2) then calculate the correlation coefficient (r ). What is r ? Round your answer to three decimal places.

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The math action research team at Sample school completed a fishbone diagram as part of the process to determine root cause of low math test scores. Teaching strategies is one of the possible causes. While investigating the various strategies; staff noticed that the test scores for one classroom were consistently higher that the others in the same grade.
It was discovered that although all staff used the math games that accompany the curriculum; one teacher had scheduled regular use of the math games. Could this be the difference?

Mrs. Alfred scheduled 40 minutes each week for her students to play math games. In addition, she has created a math game center. Students may attend this center each week for additional minutes of practice time.
Mrs. Alfred agreed to record data over several units to help determine if there is a relationship between the regular use of math games and math test scores. She had the students keep track of the number of minutes they spent playing math games during the next unit.

If the scatter plot shows a positive relationship – further investigation may be indicated

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