Utilizing the concepts learned throughout the course, write a Final Paper on one of the following scenarios: ·Option One: You are a consultant with 10 years experience in the health care insurance industry. A group of 20 doctors is considering forming a

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Utilizing the concepts learned throughout the course, write a Final Paper on one of the following scenarios:

·Option One: You are a consultant with 10 years experience in the health care insurance industry. A group of 20 doctors is considering forming a new medical group. The group has asked you to prepare a report on whether it should build a facility within 30 miles of the downtown center of a city with a population of 500,000 for $100 million dollars. Prepare a report for the management team of the doctor’s group on your proposed $100 million expenditure plan. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

·Option Two: You are a chief operating officer. The board of directors of your organization has requested that you prepare a summary of the issues involved with a 50 million dollar expansion. Due to local politics and uncertain national medical care policies, national officials may have to scale the expansion back to 25 million or risk not being elected. Prepare a presentation for the management team of the doctor’s group on your proposed 25 to 50 million dollar expenditure plan using Powerpoint. In your presentation, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

·Option Three: You are a chief operating officer at a for-profit insurance company. A board of directors has requested that you prepare a summary of the issues involved with a potential 40% reduction in U. S. medical insurance reimbursement. Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding cuts while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the community and your patients. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting. by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

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·Option Four: You are a chief administrative officer for a large nonprofit health relief organization. A board of directors has requested that you prepare a summary of the issues and how to solve the health needs of an African country. Your organization has limited funding and will need to obtain subsidized medicine from major pharmaceutical companies. Your organization also has the opportunity to get non-generic, non-USDA approved, alternative stem cell derived medication from foreign sources. Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation. Consider the various economic, political, moral, and health impacts for the United States citizens who may have some of the health medication diverted to the African nation. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

·Option Five: You are a public official elected at the local city level who serves a population of 50,000 to 250,000 people. A budget of 10 million dollars has been allocated to you by the city manager, and you can get up to 100% of this amount in matching federal funds if you meet the federal standards. You have been asked by the mayor to determine how to allocate the budget to best support the needs of the city. These could include, but not be limited to, supporting capital requirements, operational requirements, and subsidizing nonprofit organizations or using economic incentives to bring new private concerns into the city. Prepare a report for the mayor and city council on your proposed expenditure plan. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

1.Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

2.Must have a title page that includes the following:

oTitle of paper

oStudent’s name

oCourse name and number

oInstructor’s name

oDate submitted

3.Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

4.Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

5.Must end with a restatement of the thesis and a concluding paragraph.

6.Must use eight scholarly and /or peer-reviewed sources, including five from the Ashford University Library.

7.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

8.Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

Attached are some of the things we study in the 5 weeks. Please see attachments.

 Calculating the Break-Even Point

Prior to completing this discussion, review Assignment 7 in Chapter 14 of your course text. In your initial post, address the following points:

· What is the role provided by break-even point, and how would you calculate this point?

· Please calculate break-even point in patient days under the provided contract.

· What are the limitations of using break-even point, and how would you incorporate this point with management strategic planning?

Your initial post must be 300 to 350 words.
Guided Response: Challenge your peers to think about a reasonable time period for being able to break even.  How often should an area be reviewed if it is not breaking even? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Budgetary Variance Model

Prior to completing this assignment, review Assignment 9 in Chapter 17 of your course text. Prepare an evaluation of the performance of the Radiology Department Manager for a hospital.

The service unit, or output, for this department is the number of procedures performed. A static budget was prepared at the beginning of the year. Examine that budget in relation to actual experience. The relevant data are included in Table 17-18 in your course text. The department manager is pleased because the department has a favorable $120,000 cost variance. Evaluate the effectiveness claims of the manager using the budgetary variance mode described in Chapter 17. What is your analysis of the department manager’s performance? Explain your reasoning.

Your paper must include an introduction, thesis, and conclusion. Your paper must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.  Utilize three scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources (excluding the course text) that were published within the last five years. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and provide complete references for each source used on the reference page.

 Strategic Planning and Financial Planning

Prior to completing this discussion, read Chapter 13 from your course text.  Select a health care organization and answer the following questions as they relate to your selected organization:

· What is your understanding of strategic planning and financial planning?

· What if financial planning is not aligned with strategic planning? What are the consequences?

Your initial post must be 300 to 350 words.

Guided Response: 
Challenge your peers to think about how often the plans should be reviewed and by whom.  Are there health care organizations that are exempt from the planning process for various reasons? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

I enjoyed reading your post. You have given some valid points when it comes to have a strategic planning process. “Thus, understanding the strategic planning process is a first step in defining and developing financial policy and financial planning.”(Cleverley, W. O., 2011)

Cleverley, W. O., Song, P. H., & Cleverley, J. O. (2011). Essentials of health care finance (7th

ed). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Zero-Based Budgeting

Read the

Zero-Based Budgeting (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

PowerPoint presentation.  The Board of Directors of Windsor Memorial Hospital has hired you to be their zero-based budget consultant. Specify how Windsor Memorial Hospital can implement a zero-based budget and provide your recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Hospital. Explain the benefits of implementing your recommendations and justify why you are making these specific recommendations.

Your paper must include an introduction, thesis, and conclusion. Your paper must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.  Utilize three scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources (excluding the course text) that were published within the last five years. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and provide complete references for each source used on the reference page.

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