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Listen to the episode and comment on any of the following questions. Don’t forget to comment on at least one of your classmates posts.

– How are vaccines made?
– Why do they take so long to make?
– Why can’t you just walk into Walgreens and buy a vaccine for Covid-19 yet?

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and reply to a classmate post

classmate post:

I really liked listening to this episode, especially considering what is going on today with the vaccine. Its interesting to learn all about how they are made (non covid), and why the process takes so long. In this episode it was discussed why it takes so long to produce a vaccine, mainly because the process is so tedious. To put it into perspective it would take 900  thousand chicken eggs to be produced every single day, for 6-9 months to make the supply that is needed just for the US. What I found to be the most interesting was how the US government is involved in the vaccine distribution process, the government told the pharmaceutical companies to produce the vaccines and the government will buy them, they will share the cost of developing these new products- they will basically all split the cost. However, vaccines have a shelf life; they need to be produced and used, because they can’t be kept without becoming expired. Then once the virus, for example, small pox , once the virus disappears the vaccine can no longer be used. 

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