Verbal Communication Reflection

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You previously reflected on written communication; now, the focus is on verbal communication. So, for the next part of your communication reflection, consider the same factors – how is verbal communication used in your personal life? The classroom? Your future profession? If you’re still stuck, consider whether some of these factors are the same or different between written and verbal communication.

Remember that your communication reflection assignment for this module should be one short but well-constructed paragraph.

The types of written communications that I use in my personal life are generally very informal. I use e-mail, text, social networking, and instant messaging on a regular basis. I do my best to be accurate in both spelling and grammar on either medium because it helps me practice for more formal writing. The only formal writing that I am currently doing in my personal life would include my resume and cover letters for jobs that I am applying to. I use Word so that I can easily adjust the format of each letter and take advantage of the spelling and grammar check. I expect that I will get more practice with writing business letters after I am ready to enter the job market full time and I start my career. That is why I try to use my informal communication through social networking and email as a tool to practice using correct grammar and spelling so that I will be able to be successful with these skills in the future.

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