
Please read each passage below, I need a few sentences in response to each part. Please use at least one source. Please cite the reference(s) properly. Part 1 and 2 can be on the same page, however, please keep them separate by labeling them Part 1 and Part 2. No Title Page 

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There has been a lot of knowledge gained in this class especially for why HRM is important and to see the differences in what should be and the working experience. While things are constantly changing it has been increasingly important to know what impacts your HRM. “Information technology (IT) became a vital part of our modern-day activities. In contemporary years, the usage of IT in expediting the human resource management (HRM) activities augmented considerably. E-HRM has the ability to develop managerial competency and influence the role of human resources (HR) as a strategic business partner. E-HRM is essential for firms because of its encouraging effect on staff productivity.” (Mohammad Ziaul 2021) As we know from Covid-19 technology is ever adapting. It is key to ensure you are recruiting people online as well as adapting what you are sending to potential employees and what impact it has on recruitment. The other area that is increasingly important is addressing turnover. “Human Resource (HR) managers and business owners need to play critical roles to overcome the issue of the employees’ turnover intention in an organization especially the small and medium enterprises (SME).” (Long 2014) In any size of an organization you have to worry about turnover and making sure you are staying competitive. You have to constantly be aware of what other companies offer not just for compensation but what benefits are they offering. It is clear we are all driven by different things. In knowing what others are offering is key to your success in not having as much turnover.


Long, C. S., Ajagbe, M. A., & Kowang, T. O. (2014). Addressing the Issues on Employees’ Turnover Intention in the Perspective of HRM Practices in SME. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 129, 99–104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.653

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Mohammad Ziaul Hoq. (2021). A comprehensive review of contemporary issues of electronic human resource management (E-HRM). Global Journal of Economics and Business, 10(2), 278–296. https://doi.org/10.31559/GJEB2021.11.2.9


In my opinion, I think Human Resources Management will always have to deal budgeting and filling roles with respectable talent, engaging current employees with compensation and benefits that are suitable for both the employee and the company, as well as navigating laws/regulations associated with the city/state of the company. I think these factors are important because a company’s success is contingent upon the talent that is hired (Shih & Chiang, 2011). However, filling these roles can take time and cost a fortune (Shih & Chiang, 2011). Human Resources Management can help to cut down these costs by finding respectable talent through recruitment, engaging the new hires during the onboarding process, and offering competitive compensation and benefits that keep employees happy (Shih & Chiang, 2011). In addition, compensation and benefits is an excellent way to retain existing employees as well as attract new talent (Bryant & Allen, 2013).

Human Resources Management can help employees to utilize/take advantage of these benefits so that companies do not loose out with costs and employees are satisfied (Bryant & Allen, 2013). Lastly, when small companies grow there are more rules and regulations that may apply that the company must abide by (Roehling, 2014). Human Resources management can assist with navigating possible violations small companies could face and help with navigating future barriers pertaining to laws/regulations (Roehling, 2014). Human Resources Management will have to deal with these issues whether a company is big, small, been around for a long time, or if they are new.


Bryant, P. C., & Allen, D. G. (2013, May 1). Compensation, Benefits and Employee Turnover: HR Strategies for Retaining Top Talent. Compensation and Benefits Review, 45(3).

Mark V. Roehling. (2014). Multinational Human Resource Management and the Law: Common Workplace Problems in Different Legal Environments Matthew W. Finkin Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld Takashi Araki Philipp Fischinger Roberto Fragale Filho Andrew Stewart Bernd Waas. ILR Review, 67(3), 1044–1045.

Shih, H.-A., & Chiang, Y.-H. (2011). Exploring the effectiveness of outsourcing recruiting and training activities, and the prospector strategy’s moderating effect. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(1), 163–180.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2011.538980 (Links to an external site.)


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