Post a cohesive response based on your analysis of the Learning Resources and your professional experience. Be sure to discuss the following: “See attachment for detailed instructions
of Form
Discussion 1: What Is Your Worldview?
As a human being, an employee, a manager or leader, or even as a friend, our values and beliefs shape who we are and how we act in various situations. In many cases, where we are from and how we were raised can have an important impact on the values and beliefs we hold dear. Think about the values and beliefs that help define you and shape your action. How can these values and beliefs help you during a conflict negotiation? How might they hurt you during the conflict negotiation process? As a manager or leader, how can you ensure your values and beliefs remain neutral and do not create a bias?
In this Discussion, explore your worldview and begin thinking about the values and beliefs that shape you.
To prepare for this Discussion, pay particular attention to the following Learning Resources:
· Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:
· Managing Social Conflict –
· The Clash of Worldview –
· Chapter 7 –
See attachment
Cahn, D. D., & Abigail, R. A. (2014). Managing conflict through communication (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Bottom of Form
Post a cohesive response based on your analysis of the Learning Resources and your professional experience. Be sure to discuss the following:
· Based on this week’s readings, how would you describe your world view?
· How does your world view align with your social change project or with the millennial movement you discussed? What types of social change would you like to help promote in the world?
· Identify the intractable issues that might make your proposed change difficult. How could critical and ripeness theories these help to address these challenges?
· In thinking about what you have learned in this course, summarize how do you think conflict management strategies can help you promote positive social change.
· Now, broaden your thinking to evaluate the role differing world views and culture have on organizational conflict. How can you as a manager or leader help manage these types of issues? What can a manager or leader do to help educate and promote cultural understanding and tolerance?
· 3 -4 paragraphs
· No plagiarism
· APA citing
116 Chapter Seven
re pon e, resorted to yelling and swearing to try to intimidate
Bob into ehaving better (power-ha ed), which failed. Diane
finally went to Sally, who would hopefully u e her authority
(power-ha ed) to deal with Bob. Bob then initiated a hara
ment complaint to deal with Diane (right -ba ed).
As we can see, a large reason for the negative outcomes
achieved by Sally, Bob, and Diane i that virtually every
process they u ed fell into the rights and power category. Mo t
of Sally, Diane, and Bob’ behaviour became adversarial and
co tly in term of time and energy; it damaged morale, pro
ductivity, and relationships in the workplace. These are all the
classic costs of conflict the parties experience when escalating
up the stairway.
What can a practitioner do after diagno ing the ituation
u ing the 1/R/P model? Moving to the trategic u e of the 1/R/P
model, we can look at some ideas for intervention that the
model gives us.
The 1/R/P model guides practitioners with the following strategie
Default to using Interest-based processes first
There are very few situations where rights or power should be
used as a first choice. 3 Interest-based processes such as prob
lem-solving, negotiation, and mediation are inexpensive
enough and ucce ful enough that here hould be a pre
sumption of u ing the e interest-ha ed processes first. In other
words, the default approach should be interest-based, moving
to right -ba ed only if the interest-ha ed fails, and moving to
power-based only if the rights-based approach fails.
Use the lowest-cost Rights or Power process
Within each tep, there are processes that will cost more or co t
le . For example, arbitration typically co ts le in time and
3. ll I approprtate ta defoult to Power first In emergency slruations. At the scene of a fire or durtng
an ormed conmct, giving fir nght rs or soldiers ord rs that they follow immedlotely and without
negotiation Is an appropriate first approad1. These situations, however, are rare.
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