Web design it404 discussion board

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    • (IT404)


      Topicof Discussion

      As you learned, Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:

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      1. Development
      2. Content strategy
      3. Multimedia

      How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

      Mention some bad examples of web design (What makes a design a bad one).

      How can you, as a web designer, avoid bad web designs?

      Note: Read the comments of your classmates and post at least TWO responses to their comments.

      Marking criteria:2 marks for your answer + 1 marks for each response (comment*) to your friends’ thread.

      *An example of unacceptable replies: “I agree with you”, “good post I like it”, “I think your post it good” or any similar are not acceptable replies.

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