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Comparison of Fluid Electrolyte Exemplars


Diabetes Insipidus

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Acute Renal Failure

Chronic Renal Failure



Clinical Manifestations including Laboratory data


Possible Complications


Mr. Rojas is a 49-year-old patient with End Stage Renal Disease. He has a history of hypertension and uncontrolled type 1 diabetes (since he was 12 years old). His last Hemoglobin A1c was 12.8%. He is currently receiving hemodialysis three times per week for three hours. He is in the hospital because he went into DKA a few days ago when he had a stomach virus. He is asking you about renal transplantation.

· What are the criteria to be placed in the transplant list?

· What options for transplantation does Mr. Rojas have?

· What recommendations can you give Mr. Rojas on treatment compliance?

· What other renal replacement therapies could Mr. Rojas be educated about?

· What are their advantages and disadvantages?


The concept of health and wellness differs greatly between people. Health can be the absence of disease, while wellness can imply a positive state of health in holism, encompassing the mental, emotional, spiritual, and even social aspects. Think about your own state of health. Do you consider yourself a healthy person? If so, what motivates you to be healthy? If not, what would motivate you to become so?


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