1.2 – Week 1 – Journal Reflection on Topic Ideas

In this journal reflection, you will answer the questions below to help you formulate your topic.

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Please address the following in your journal:

  1. Identify a topic in your specialization. (For IT students, Information Technology is not a topic, however, Millennial’s perceptions of smart phone technology could be a topic. For leadership students, leadership or leadership styles would be too broad. You could, however, compare leader and followers perceptions of leadership styles in private four year institutions. These are examples).
  2. What is the current problem related to your topic? Who is the problem happening to? Where is the problem happening? Provide at least two citations to show that the problem is still happening today.
  3. What part of the problem listed in #2 do you want to research and why?
  4. What methodology are you planning on using? (If you are unsure, do you plan on a quantitative or qualitative study? You will determine your methodology in 839).
  5. For the methodology listed in #4, how and where will you get your data?
  6. What theories or frameworks (i.e. transformational leadership theory, technology acceptance model, etc) will guide your study? What are the origins of these theories?

Share your topic idea(s) by going to the “Week 1 Assignment – Journal Reflection on Topic Ideas” link above.

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