Week 11 dis lab


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RE: Discussion – Week 11Amanda Najar-Cabrera Main Post Reply


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Week 11 Discussion

Explain at least one strength and one weakness you have with regard to the research process. Explain the steps you might take to address areas of weakness and which Walden resources you might use to help you.

I have a strength for conducting thorough searches for research, finding large amounts of articles to sift through, and I can read through them quickly. I can find the relevant information in articles efficiently and I enjoy synthesizing the information so that my writing flows logically (Galvan, 2015; Stadtlander, 2015). I look forward to using the literature to tell the story that supports the argument in my dissertation. As far as improvement goes, I want to improve the way I organize my literature so that it is easier to reference as I begin to write Chapter 2 (Galvan, 2015; Stadtlander, 2015). As far as Walden resources go, I am in the process of reviewing the proposal template, finalizing my outline for the literature review, gathering the articles I will be using, and examining a few recent dissertations as a guide for structuring my writing. My prospectus was approved over the weekend, and I am now in the planning stages for Chapter 2. I am beginning to use My Doctoral Degree Coach as a tool to keep me on track, as well as using the Writing Center and the Center for Research Quality pages often as I familiarize myself with the dissertation process and its requirements. I am grateful for this course and Dr. Hart’s feedback this quarter, as well as the interaction I have had with all of you. I have made a lot of progress this term and I hope you have too. I look forward to continuing the work towards accomplishing my goal of earning a doctoral degree and wish you all the very best in your individual doctoral journeys.


Galvan, J. L. (2015). Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences (6th ed). Pyrczak.

Stadtlander, L. M. (2015). Finding your way to a Ph.D.: Advice from the dissertation mentor.

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2 days ago

Zordia .

RE: Discussion – Week 11


Explain at least one strength and one weakness you have with regard to the research process.

My greatest strength is that I am flexible and not set in my ways. I am able to quickly learn new things and take constructive criticism. One of my weaknesses is that I often take on too many tasks and have unrealistic goals and do not always manage my time well. I cram as much as I can into my days and am struggling with an autoimmune disorder which makes me tired. On my good days, I conduct as much research as possible and on my bad days I sleep. Another weakness that I have is that I am not as familiar with the theories as I would like to be, there are so many to choose from! Another weakness that I have is that I am struggling to organize my notes.

Explain the steps you might take to address areas of weakness and which Walden resources you might use to help you.

In order to address my weakness, I will manage my time better and work on my health. I order to address my weakness of lack of knowledge I will read more and take more notes. I will hone down my methodology and narrow down my research in order to have more direction (Stadtlander, 2015). I can take advantage of the writing center and library resources at Walden and once I get a chair I can ask for direction. The literature review is going to be the hardest and the most important part of the dissertation and the one that I am going to spend the most time on (USC Libraries, 2016)

Stadtlander, L. M. (2015). Finding your way to a Ph.D.: Advice from the dissertation mentor.
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USC Libraries. (2016). The literature review. Retrieved from


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