Sandra Sotelo
Hello Professor and Classmates,
In reading “Psychodynamic Theory: The Essential Elements” by Jack Nathan, one of the first key elements that is pointed out is that the mind operates on both the unconscious and conscious levels (Davies, 2013). Furthermore, as it is stated, “there is a dynamic relationship between these two levels of consciousness that result in powerful internal psychic conflicts (Davies, 2013, p. 463). Transference can be described as a phenomenon in which past experiences influence current ones, especially when an individual takes their preexisting views/feelings and transfers them onto someone else. Countertransference therefore is the opposite of this process. Moreover, it is the therapist’s emotional response to their client (Davies, 2013). However, our own personal emotions/issues can restrict our work with clients. Importantly within psychodynamic work, “Because of the emphasis on making the unconscious conscious, the client has to have some capacity to take responsibility for these insights and therefore subsequent behaviours” (Davies, 2013, p. 465).
Based on the transference and countertransference situation the competencies and practice behaviors that address the issues presented are competencies one, two, and three. Most importantly, in a situation in which your own personal emotions are evoked it is crucial that the practitioner, as stated in the first competency, “use reflection and self-regulation to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in practice situations”(Council on Social Work Education, 2008, p. 7). Similarly, as it is written in the second competency the practitioner should “apply self-awareness and self-regulation to manage the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse clients and constituencies” (CSWE,2008, p. 7). Finally, as it is described within competency three, in order to best help the client the social worker should participate in practices that would not only advocate for the fundamental human rights but that will promote social justice (CSWE, 2008).
Council on Social Work Education. (2008). Educational policy and accreditation standards.
Alexandria, VA: CSWE Publications. Accreditation/Accreditation-Process/2015-EPAS/2015EPAS_Web_FINAL .aspx