week 3 response 386 last

Week 3 response 386 last 1

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Hello Professor Morris/Class,

Jack Nathan emphasizes the elements within the Psychodynamic framework. The focus is on the mind process, conscious and unconscious levels (Nathan, 2016). For instance, the mental processes like memory, thinking, problem-solving, language, and decision-making. 

The concept of transference and countertransference. According to Verywell Mind, transference is when a client redirects their feelings from a significant other or person in their life to the clinician (Fritscher, 2020). Countertransference is when the therapist’s project their own internal conflicts onto the client (Fritscher, 2020). The social worker needs to be aware of the behavior of the client. Transference can cause the client to shut down and cut off the relationship altogether, or may become sullen and withdrawn during sessions, which impedes progress (Fritscher, 2020). According to Human and the Social Environment, The Cswe Core Competencies requires the social worker to identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly, work within the ethical principles to guide professional practice, and critical thinking (Davis & Smith, 2013).

The rational is that the worker has to be able to handle the situation of transference and countertransference in a professional manner, understand personal and professional values, at all times practice within the guidelines of ethics, and critical think so you as the social worker will be able to recognize and communicate while helping the client shape their life experiences (Davis & Smith, 2013).

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Dale, O., & Smith, R. (2013). Human behavior and social environment: Social systems theory. Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780205036486

Nathan, J. (2013). Psychodynamic theory: The essential elements. In Davies, M. (Ed.). The blackwell companion to social work (pp. 463-465). John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Wilterdink, N., & Form. (2020, November 19). Social structure | Definition, examples, theories, & facts. Encyclopedia Britannica. 


Week 3 response 386 2 last

Hello class

Transference and Countertransference are two major considerations in psychotherapy. Transference is anything that you transfer to another person. In psychotherapy, transference occurs when a client transfers or redirects their feelings and emotions related to some significant person in their life towards the therapist. Usually, the transference is unconscious, and clients are unaware of transferring their feelings. The transference may be positive or negative and it’s normal in psychotherapy. Countertransference is when the therapist transfers their feelings towards the client. Even in Countertransference, the therapist is not aware that they are doing so. This is sometimes in response to transference. Countertransference may show the client that the therapist is listening to them and is empathizing with them. This can be a problem when the therapist becomes too involved with the client and takes the session on a personal level rather than keeping it to a professional level. Sometimes they might even develop an attraction towards the client. However, it is important for the therapist to recognize these feelings on time and make sure to work on them.

The competencies that can be concerned with the two processes:

1. The therapist should remain professional throughout the sessions and carry their behavior accordingly. They should ensure that the process of transference or countertransference doesn’t affect the way they behave. They shouldn’t over-involve with the client in order to avoid personal stress.

2. Their professional judgment should be based on logical and critical thinking rather than personal values. While in the process of transference the therapist shouldn’t be evaluating on personal grounds rather, they should be professional in their judgment.

Courtni Marquez



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