Week 4 DQ Responses

Subject: Computer systems architecture

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Q1. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 150 words with intext citations and references

Digital file storage is one of the key information technology management aspects of an organization. The efficient use of digital data storage is important for managing costs. To design an efficient data storage system there are principles described by Hart et al. (2016). According to Hart et al. (2016), data is the currency in which technology advances and can generate petabytes of information that need to be digitally stored and appropriate storage is the precursor to transforming this data into knowledge, and sharing it. The rules for effective digital storage include firstly planning for types of data and its usage. Formatting, collection procedures, data states, and volume can help identify the right tools and allow risk and budget analysis. Secondly understand the use case for the data stored in terms of the accuracy required, recentness, confidentiality, and so forth. Let the raw data be raw to allow future analyses from different a perspective or with advances in capabilities. Standardized and open source formatting for storage allows flexibility in software choices and ease of scaling. Formatting practices like having uniquely identifiable codes, conventions, and linking metadata to add context. Privacy and access control to facilitate organizational proprietary information being stored and shared securely. Lastly redundancy and backup for the data stored.

Q2. Article: Context-Aware Systems Architecture (CaSA)

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You have chosen the above article, submitted the Discussion question and Assignment.

In my humble opinion, context awareness is a delicate area which should be looked at closely. As you have mentioned there are several different approaches that can be taken. What’s your definition of a smart environment?

Write your opinion in 50 – 100 words, ifyou find any intext or reference, please add.

Subject: Internship

Q3. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 150 words with intext citations and references

I’m currently in the process of training to be a front-end software engineer, so the documentation is bacially communicating with trainer about following code work and write down the important concepts as well as important parts of code that will counter during mock interview. This week, my project is to build some features by using React and Redux. Checking the notes I marked down, I learned that React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. At the same time, Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. In orther words, the showup of Redux helps developer to simplify the transfer of data. The store feature in Redux allows child component communicate with parent component or other components easily by extracingt the data from the same store, so when one component changed, other components will feel the change and then change. The documention really helps me in the training of the job.

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