week 5


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Initial Postings: Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook must be the primary source utilized and listed in your reference section (and properly cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion. This means that they support the material from the textbook. Do not use other sources to substitute for or replace the textbook. 

Provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. The project manager and sponsor need to act in the best interest of which three constituencies?
  2. Describe how to use project documents to help a team progress through the stages of development.
  3. Describe each method of decision making a project team may use. Using examples, tell when each is most appropriate.

Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!

Your initial post should be at least 500+ words and in APA format (using proper paragraph structure, sources cited within the body of the main text and Times New Roman with font size 12).

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This week our topic shifts to working with data.  In this week’s discussion post, please note a system that you work with frequently that has a major data component.  Note the type of data, how the data is managed and maintained, and any other important factors regarding the data in the system.

In response to peers, ask questions that you’d like to know about the systems they mentioned in their initial post.  Also, determine if there are any ethical or other regulatory considerations regarding the system they selected.

Reply post:

When replying to peers, note your opinion on their thoughts.  Add your thoughts and continue the conversation regarding the languages (Python, SAS, R, and SQL) and other visualization tools as well.

Minimum of 300 words, checked with Grammarly, use and cite a reference, respond to two peers with at least 100-word responses. 


Week 5 Assignment

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:Chapter 8 –discussion question #1-4 & exercise 4Chapter 9- discussion question #1-5 & exercise 3When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.All work must be original (not copied from any source). 


  • Week 5: Discussion 1Create a discussion thread (with your name) and answer the following question:Discussion 1 (Chapter 8): Excel is probably the most popular spreadsheet software for PCs. Why? What can we do with this package that makes it so attractive for modeling efforts?Note: The first post should be made by Wednesday 11:59 p.m., EST. I am looking for active engagement in the discussion.  Please engage early and often.Your response should be 250-300 words.  Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post.  Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.
  • Week 5: Discussion 2
    Week 5: Discussion 2Create a discussion thread (with your name) and answer the following question:
    Discussion 2 (Chapter 9): What are the common business problems addressed by Big Data analytics?  In the era of Big Data, are we about to witness the end of data warehousing? Why?Note: The first post should be made by Wednesday 11:59 p.m., EST. I am looking for active engagement in the discussion.  Please engage early and often.Your response should be 250-300 words.  Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post.  Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.


Timothy J. Kloppenborg

Vittal Anantatmula

Kathryn N. Wells

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Leading and Managing Project Teams

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Core Objectives:
Describe stages of team development and strategies to move teams through the project life cycle.
Describe characteristics of a high-performing project team; assess your team and how it can improve.
Describe methods of team decision-making and when each type is most effective.
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Chapter 5 Behavioral Objectives:
Explain how to utilize and improve the project team relationship.
Describe types of project management power and when each is appropriate.
Describe sources of project conflict, how to resolve conflict, and a negotiating process.
Summarize how to develop high-performance traditional and virtual teams.
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Gallup Consulting
“Gallup has studied more than 6 million people, and we have found that individuals have much more potential for growth and productivity in areas of great talent than areas of weakness…A strengths-based approach improves team cohesion and generates better results. We have found that high-performing teams are more likely to match individuals’ talents to assigned tasks and emphasize individual strengths versus seniority in making personnel decisions.”
Jim Asplund, Gallup Consulting
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Acquiring the Project Team
Pre-assignment of Project Team Members
Negotiation for Project Team Members
On-Boarding Project Team Members
Acquire project team – “the process of confirming human
resource availability and obtaining the team necessary to
complete project assignments.” PMBOK® Guide
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Acquiring the Project Team
Some core team members may be added after planning
Subject matter experts (SMEs) may be added after planning
Acquiring the project team involves pre-assignment, negotiation, and on-boarding.
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Pre-assignment of Project Team Members
Include the implementers in planning when possible
More details may be considered
Greater buy-in and enthusiasm
Ensures they are available when needed
Bringing SMEs on board early may be costly

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Negotiation for Project Team Members
PM may need to negotiate with the functional manager
Develop good relationships with functional managers
Most projects will have a combination of experienced and inexperienced resources
PMs may need to persuade a worker to work on their project.
PM wants to sell the person on the project.
Core team members often need to be excellent generalists
May need to recruit outside the parent organization

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Recruiting Team Members from Outside of the Organization
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On-Boarding Project Team Members
On-board core team members during chartering
Ensure members understand the project at a high level  enthusiastic
Learn members’ personal motives
Assign members to specific activities
Develop a plan for members’ personal improvement

*See Exhibit 5.2
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Develop Project Team
Stages of Project Team Development
Characteristics of High-Performing Project Teams
Assessing Individual Member Capability
Assessing Project Team Capability
Building Individual and Project Team Capability
Establishing Project Team Ground Rules
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Project Team Progression Through Development Stages
Forming – develop team operating methods
Storming – stress at the magnitude of the project
Norming – feel part of the team
Performing – feel close to team mates
Adjourning – feeling of loss when team disbands

*See Exhibits 5.3 & 5.4

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Stages of Project Team Development
Most teams will still spend at least some time in most stages
Some teams get “stalled” in an early stage and do not progress
Setbacks for project teams can occur
PM can help team through stages by understanding relationship issues and tendencies

Develop project team – “the process of improving the competencies,
team interaction, and overall team environment to enhance project
performance.” PMBOK® Guide
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Characteristics of High-Performing Project Teams
Ideals toward which PM guides team
Useful tool = Project charter
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High need for achievement
Understanding/acceptance of responsibility
Commitment to self-directed behavior
Put project needs before their own needs
Willingness to consider alternative views
Personal commitment to project.

Characteristics – Personal Values
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Characteristics – Team Behavior Methods
The right skill mix
Help each other
Constant focus on improvement
Effective time and meeting management
Strive for innovation
Capture, share, and use lessons learned
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Characteristics – Communications Methods
Share information freely and widely
Discuss important topics openly
Report potential problems proactively
Conduct frequent debriefings
Overcome barriers
Conflict over approaches is okay; personal conflict is not
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Characteristics – Project Methods
Agree on common goals and objectives
Jointly plan the project
Use charter to guide joint decision making
Work together to accomplish activities.
Proactively identify/ solve problems.
Hold each other mutually accountable
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Characteristics – Feelings For Team Members
Recognize interdependence
Show flexibility for how members contribute to the project
Share risks with teammates & tolerate minor mistakes
Understand, appreciate, like, & trust each other
Share in strong project leadership
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Characteristics – Personal Rewards
Enjoyment of work
High spirit & team morale
Pride in being part of the team
Satisfaction in project accomplishments
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Characteristics – Project Results
Persevering despite challenges
Producing high-quality results
Consistently meeting or exceeding stakeholder expectations
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Characteristics-Agile teams
Agile teams are:
Focused on project goals
Strong communicators
Able to make decisions quickly
Willing to trust their instincts
7 Desirable traits of Agile teams:
Question everything
Focus on innovation
Fail their way to success
Communicate thoughts & ideas
Deliver value
Change incrementally
Connect with their purpose
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Assessing Individual Member Capability
1. Activity-specific knowledge and skills
2. Personal planning and control
3. Personal learning
4. Organizational understanding
5. Interpersonal skills and sensitivity

Necessary to be strong
individual performers

Necessary to be valuable
team players
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Assessing Project Team Capability *See Exhibit 5.7
Project teams with strong leadership are more likely to be successful
Effective team leadership leads to mutual trust, respect, & credibility
Cross-functional cooperation & support helps guide project through turbulent times
Planning & executing effective two-way communications is a major key to success
Staff the project with a combination of experienced & less-experienced members
People work hard and enthusiastically if they find their work stimulating & believe they will be rewarded for it.

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Building Individual and Project Team Capability
Demonstrate personal leadership.
Utilize project management tools.
Demand situational leadership.
Create a desirable team identity.
Teach personal responsibility.
Develop understanding & respect.
Use a learning cycle.

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Project Team Capability Building Cycle
Cycle repeated:
Within project stages
At key milestones
From project to project
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Establishing Project Team Ground Rules
Ground rules are acceptable behaviors adopted by a project team to improve working relationships, effectiveness, & communication.
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Manage Project Team
Managing & Leading Project team includes:
Keeping tabs on what is happening
Assessing human performance in comparison with plans
Taking action to get team back (or keep it) on track
Motivating individuals & team as a whole
Improving continually methods used
Improving continually participants’ capability & satisfaction
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Manage Project Team
Project Manager Power & Leadership
Assessing Performance of Individuals & Project Teams
Project Team Management Outcomes
Manage project team – “the process of tracking team
Member performance, providing feedback, resolving
issues, and coordinating changes to optimize project
performance.” PMBOK® Guide
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Project Manager Power and Leadership
PMs often have less legitimate power than other managers.
Stimulating work is a powerful reward.
Team members may work for PM out of personal desire.
PM’s reputation for success may encourage hard work.
Distribute information promptly & accurately according to the communication plan.
PMs can use the power of the sponsor when necessary.

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Types of Project Manager Power
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Breakout session!
Give an example you have seen of each type of power described in Exhibit 5.10
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Assessing Performance of Individuals & Project Teams
Goals of performance assessments
Rewards & promotions
Determination of areas for improvement.
Assessment can be informal & formal
Informal – observing, asking questions, providing suggestions.
Formal – responsibility of the direct manager (PM should offer input!).
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Project Team Management Outcomes
PM power, communication, appraisal, management
Morale Changes

How much detail is needed?
“Quarter Mile” To “Inch” stones
Poor appraisals, insufficient progress, conflict,
Staff Changes
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Project Team Management Outcomes


Coercive power as last resort

Role Clarification

Living document
Issue Log

Lessons Learned
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Relationship Building Within the Core Team
Share learning
Share enjoyment
Share motives
Celebrate success
Encourage communication
Jointly establish agendas
Use appropriate decision making strategies
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Project Decision-Making Guide
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Managing Project Conflicts
Sources of Project Conflict
Conflict Resolution Process & Styles
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Sources of Project Conflict
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Sources of Project Conflict

Conflict over how to proceed
Conflict over how to complete a project
Competition for ideas

Personal conflict
Deal with conflict on projects promptly—or even proactively.
Relationship conflict
Prolonged Task conflict

Constructive Conflict
Negative Conflict
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Conflict Resolution Process
1. Understand the conflict.
2. Agree on conflict-resolution goals.
3. Identify causes of conflict.
4. Identify potential solutions for conflict.
5. Pick desired conflict solution.
6. Implement chosen solution.
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Styles of Handling Project Conflict
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Breakout Session!
Identify & categorize conflicts that have happened on your projects.
Describe how conflict was resolved & if you think you could have used an alternate conflict resolution style.
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About redefining a relationship that is not working or establishing new relationship
Project managers are accountable for performance  not people
Everyone the PM negotiates with has their own set of issues & goals.
Project management tools make negotiation easier
Negotiate towards a win-win solution.

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Negotiation Process
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Virtual Teams (also known as “Distributed Teams”)
Team members are physically dispersed
Time boundaries are crossed
Communication technologies are used (rarely meet in person)
Cultural, organizational, age, gender, & functional diversity are present
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Challenges for Virtual and Global Project Teams
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New project team members need to be on-boarded
Preferable to have core team help with planning/chartering
SME’s generally only included as-needed
PMs use understanding of development stages to guide their team to better performance.
Employ ground rules for improving relationships & processes
PMs monitor & control the human side of the project.
PM often lacks legitimate power & must rely on other forms of power
PMs use general conflict reduction techniques
Virtual and global teams add communication challenges
Different cultures offer communication challenges
Consider appropriate communications technologies

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Most “soft skill” questions will pertain to a mock scenario, so be ready to apply techniques & best practices from this chapter
Any time you are asked about making a change to a project after the charter has been ratified (meaning you are beyond the Initiating project phase), the correct answer will be related to using the integrated change process…in other words, never agree to a change at this point without going through the proper procedure first!
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Casa de Paz Development Project
What actions can guide the team through stages of team development?
What would be helpful to include in a team charter and why?
Construct a RACI chart with major tasks and the type of person to do each.
List decisions that will need to be made and the person or method you suggest for making each.
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Centralizing Planning and Control After Many Acquisitions
HR created a process improvement team
Communication plan was drafted and a conference held to develop buy-in
Schedule reflected the high-level WBS
Centers of Excellence were identified
Workshop artifacts were used to define the “as is” and “to be” process states
New design presented for implementation and buy-in
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Centralizing Planning and Control After Acquisitions
Project Applicable Team Concepts
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing stages
Create a strong vision
Seek requirements from customers
Maintain consistent sponsorship
Respect, empower, and engage all in a change initiative
Leverage the value of diversity
Communicate – make everything an open book
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Chapter 8 Questions
Discussion Question 1: How does prescriptive analytics relate to descriptive and predictive analytics?
Discussion Question 2: Explain the differences between static and dynamic models. How can one evolve into the other?
Discussion Question 3: What is the difference between an optimistic approach and a pessimistic approach to decision making under assumed uncertainty?
Discussion Question 4: Explain why solving problems under uncertainty sometimes involves assuming that the problem is to be solved under conditions of risk.
Exercise 4: Investigate via a web search how models and their solutions are used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the “war against terrorism.” Also, investigate how other governments or government agencies are using models in their mission. Write a report.
Chapter 9 Questions
Discussion Question 1: What is Big Data? Why is it important? Where does Big Data come from?
Discussion Question 2: What do you think the future of Big Data will be? Will it lose its popularity to something else? If so, what will it be?
Discussion Question 3: What is Big Data analytics? How does it differ from regular analytics?
Discussion Question 4: What are the critical success factors for Big Data analytics?
Discussion Question 5: What are the big challenges that one should be mindful of when considering implementation of Big Data analytics?
Exercise 3:Using the Internet, find the application of Big Data in sports. Summarize your findings.

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