Week 5 Assignment 1: Individual Professional Practice Document: Scope of Practice

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Individual Professional Practice Document

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The Advanced Practice Registered Nurses domain is an essential part of the healthcare system. They are important for caring for patients’ current and future needs and ensuring patient safety. The APRN division includes certified nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives, and certified nurse practitioners. Although every profession has a distinct context and history, they share a commonality as APRNs. Every state has its specifications for the APRN scope of practice. They are at the forefront of public healthcare preventive services. They treat and diagnose illnesses, manage chronic illnesses, advise the commute on health issues, and participate in continuous education that helps them stay ahead in the healthcare industry’s methodological, technological, and other essential departments.

Nurse practitioners are responsible for providing acute, primary and specialty healthcare across the lifespan with the help of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injures caused by various factors such as accidents. Certified Nurse-Midwives are at the forefront of providing reproductive and gynecological healthcare. On the other hand, clinical nurse specialists take part in providing diagnosis, treatment, and continuous management of patients (ANA, n.d). They are also responsible for providing support to nurses caring for patients, hoping to drive practice changes throughout organizations and ensure the most outstanding evidence-based care and practices to achieve the most conceivable positive outcomes for patients.

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist handles the provision of pain management and anesthesia services. APRN’s are educated around several population foci, including pediatrics, adult-gerontology, neonatal, health or gender-related or mental health, and individual and family across lifespan. This means that if, for example, an APRN is working their role as a pediatric nurse practitioner, they practice around the pediatric population. ARN licensure is given at the population and role-focused levels, although Students can enter healthcare areas outside the population and role foci.

An APRN denotes a currently licensed Massachusetts Registered Nurse (RN) in Massachusetts. The nurse is mandated to have current authorization from the board to carry out their advanced practice. Some of the APRN activities encompass examining, assessing, making diagnoses, treating, prescribing, and making referrals for patients they come into contact with who have undifferentiated issues. They deal with individuals presenting with acute diseases, trauma, and life-threatening events requiring rehabilitative or palliative service. The state recognizes the four APRN roles, including Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Nurse Midwife, Certified Nurse Practitioner, and Certified Nurse Specialist.

The consensus model is an even framework of directives focused on advanced nursing practice future, fashioned to make even the interrelations among licensee, accreditation, certification, and education. The clarity from the model is projected to advantage nurses and improve patient care. The model provides uniformity that allows APRNs to fully practice within their education and licensure and offer new opportunities for nurses by easing mobility across the state lines (ANCC, n.d). It is a product of the collaboration of numerous nursing organizations interested in creating a more uniform nursing practice. It defines the four APRN roles. APRNs will be affected by this change positively because it focuses on increasing their job satisfaction by providing individuals with an opportunity to practice more independently. Therefore, they need to keep their certification current because it will allow them to be flexible as the change continues to unfold throughout numerous states, including Massachusetts. This model involves regulatory changes that affect various states’ licensure and certification requirements. Thus, APRNs need to track state-specific updates to remain updated about the changing regulations.

The state of Massachusetts is meeting the components of the consensus model with a total of 24 points. The state’s APRN title points are four, four for the roles, zero for licensure and authorization to practice, four for education, and four for certification (NCSBN, n.d). When it comes to independent practice, the four roles have each one point and one point for each role concerning independent prescribing (NCSBN, n.d). The State’s Nurse Practice Act establishes the conditions under which Registered Nurses can practice, and the nursing board can authorize them to practice as APRNs. It outlines various principles governing scope, clinical practice, supervision, collaboration, accountability, and supervision. For example, APRNs are mandated not to present to thulium as ARNs unless they have complied with the requirement and are authorized by the board to practice (MASS, n.d). Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists must be eligible for board authorization through a valid license as a Massachusetts registered nurse and excellent moral character. The Nurse Practice Act outlines the various requirements for every nursing role, looking at areas of eligibility such as education, conduct, and licensure, to practice under the various roles that form part of the APRN structure. Therefore, all individuals in Massachusetts who want to practice as APRNs have to pass all the requirements.

In addition, the act mandated that every APRN is accountable for their actions, nursing judgment, and competency. They can only practice in the clinical category they have attained and maintained certification and their scope of practice to meet the standards outlined by the boards they are affiliated to. The act also touches on prescriptive practice and lays down the various rules that professionals must follow and the requirements they must satisfy to qualify to engage in prescriptive practice within the state of Massachusetts. This act might differ between states because the requirements vary from state to state. However, the act is important to ensure that APRNs are fully eligible and qualified to practice and offer services. This is essential for patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare.


American Nurses Association. (ANA). (n.d). Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). Retrieved From:


American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). (n.d). Consensus Model for APRN Regulation FAQs. Retrieved From:


MASS. (n.d). Massachusetts General Laws. Retrieved From:


NCSBN. (n.d). APRN Consensus Implementation Status. Retrieved From:



Individual Professional Practice Document

Student’s Name






Individual Professional Practice Document

Student’s Name





Week 5 Assignment 1: Individual Professional Practice Document: Scope of Practice

Value: Complete at 100 points/Incomplete at 0 points—This assignment is worth 3% of total grade.

Due: Thursday

Grading Category: IPP Document Development


During this course, you will be developing an Individual Professional Practice Document (IPPD) that will identify the regulations, requirements, certification, and rules of the state in which you plan to practice as an APRN upon graduation. As you complete certain modules, you will be asked to add to the IPPD, so it is essential that you keep it handy and edit it along the way as you receive feedback from your faculty. Adding to the document with each assignment will produce a complete document by the end of the course. Using the document you submitted in Week 1 Assignment 2: Individual Professional Practice Document: NP Title, Definition, and Consensus Model
, please add the following information:

· Access the 

Nurse Practitioner Interactive Map

 feature and select the state or states you expect to practice in as an APRN. Then select the link for the state’s Nurse Practice Act. This document is located on each State Board of Nursing’s website and will identify the regulations for the NP scope of practice for that state. Appendix 2A in the Buppert textbook provides you with additional information. Please review the nurse practice act and provide a summary of the scope of practice for NPs in the state you intend to practice. Make sure that you are submitting a summary; do not cut and paste information.

· Access the 
Nurse Practitioner Interactive Map
 feature and select the state or states you expect to practice in as an APRN. Then select the link for the state’s Nurse Practice Act. Review the information related to the state’s physician collaboration/ supervision requirements, if applicable. Do not address prescriptive practices in this assignment; instead, address the regulations related to practice in the advanced role. In addition, see Appendix 2B in the Buppert textbook. Provide a summary of any restrictions of practice and supervisory/collaborative practice agreements that are required related to the scope of practice. Make sure that you are submitting a summary; do not cut and paste information. Please provide a hyperlink to this information.

· Identify the Regulatory Agency for NP Practice. See Appendix 3A in the Buppert textbook.

· Provide information related to the qualification and licensing for APRNs in your selected state and include the hyperlink to where you located this information. Submit this as a summary; do not cut and paste information.

· Identify the NP qualification requirements (do not address prescriptive authority yet) for the state or states in which you plan to practice as an APRN, which is accessible from the

 Nurse Practitioner Interactive Map.

 In addition, see Appendix 3B in the Buppert textbook.

· Identify the APRN licensing requirements for the state you intend to practice. Strive to create this as a summary and add a hyperlink for future reference, if available.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

In order for this assignment to be considered complete, you will need to address all the prompts including details about the nurse practice act, required physician collaboration (if applicable), regulatory agency identification, and the qualification and licensing requirements for the APRN by Thursday.

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