Week 5 Discussion – The Pledge to Eliminate Poverty


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I know you are busy completing the Week 6 assignment, and, this week I would like to do something a little different.

Please Read Carefully and Respond to each Task: 

TASK A:  Review the Strayer University video,”The Driven.” Answer the following three (3) questions in complete sentence format). 1) What are your impressions of this movie?  2) Who inspires you on this academic journey?  3) How do they inspire you? (Provide some examples).

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NOTE! Please remember that this is an OPEN discussion. Do not post confidential information.   There is no need to provide a REFERENCE source this week. The video is your Reference. 

YouTube URL: 


NOTE!! If you have trouble viewing the video from this site, simply copy and paste the YouTube URL into another internet browser. 


 YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIU9F3WGOJA 

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