Week 5 Mini Course Project Assignment


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Capital Budgeting Process

Submit a Narrated PowerPoint Presentation incorporating answers to the questions below.

The PowerPoint should have a title page and reference page, and address all of the required questions. The narration of your PowerPoint lends itself to summarized bullet points that you can narrate to address each question. 

**A summary is required at the end of your Presentation**

  1. Organizations that decide to issue bonds generally go through a series of steps. Discuss the six steps.
  2. An alternative to traditional equity and debt financing is leasing. Leasing is undertaken primarily for what purposes?
  3. Discuss the two major types of leases.
  4. Discuss the terms short-term borrowing and long-term financing.
  5. What are the primary sources of equity financing for not-for-profit healthcare organizations?
  6. The capital budgeting process occurs in several stages, but generally includes what?
  7. Discuss and list the three discounted cash flow methods.

Please see the Course Assignments section in Course Information and Resources for further details and the grading rubric for this assignment.

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