Week 6 Discussion board 01/31/2022

This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible

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due Feb 13

Week 6: Professional Advocacy through Nursing Organizations

Nursing has over 200 professional organizations, special interest groups, and coalitions dedicated to the interest of nursing. For this discussion:

1. Examine a nursing organization to determine the political function of the organization.

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2. Discuss three legislative initiatives supported by the organization.

3. Define your position on each of the initiatives and whether you agreed with the organization’s position and advocacy platform.

4. Compose a Tweet that reflects your position on the legislative initiative, remembering the 140-character limit. Be concise. Share your Tweet in the discussion.

Please review the 

Graduate Discussion Grading Guidelines and Rubric  (Links to an external site.)

for complete discussion requirements.

Please use 3 scholarly resources not older than 5 years , in APA 7 edition format with in-text citations

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