Ivory Parker
1 posts
Re: Topic 8 DQ 1
Hello Class,
Buddhism and Hinduism are ancient religions that originated from India to the United States of America. They have been in existence before the death of Jesus Christ (Hemeyer, 2016). The population of Hindus and Buddhists has been rising steadily in the United States of America. In both religions, members embrace fellowshipping together especially on Sundays. Hindus and Buddhists practice meditation as a religious practice. It is quite astonishing that Hindus do not consider God as a creator. Hindus believe that the existence of divinity helped in the creation. In addition, Hindus consider the will of God to be responsible for the creation of the universe. In Buddhism, the world creatures undergo an interconnected process that exists in unlimited cycles. The interconnection leads to the coexistence among the creatures in the universe (Hemeyer, 2016). Therefore, Buddhism and Hinduism hold an interesting view on creation.
Bradley Bates
2 posts
Re: Topic 8 DQ 1
Hello Class,
Unlike the Western religions, the Eastern religions are much more of a mystery to me than the other religions we have covered thus far. Out of all the interesting things that I learned about these Eastern religions, I would have to say that the most interesting thing was learning about the significance of things coming in 3’s. The three gods are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, who create, sustain and destroy, respectively. What is most baffling about this triad is that the sustainer and destroyer are worshiped, but the creator never is. Even though Hinduism and Christianity are radically different in many ways, the idea of 3 Gods controlling the Universe is not an idea that most Christians would be surprised by and I find it interesting as we learn more and more about these differing religions, how much many of them have in common.