Week 8 DQ Responses

Subject: Computer systems architecture

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Q1. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion and can ask any questions.

Note: 100 words and references

I have learned the term system architecture is used to describe the overall design and structure of a computer network or system. As information technology evolves to include a variety of physical devices, a method is needed to organise and connect these items in a cohesive manner. The term is also used to describe complex computer software tools that contain multiple modules.
Any system architecture: processing power, storage, connectivity and user experience.
Any system architecture has four main components: processing power, storage, connectivity and user experience. The complexity of the system is highly variable and depends on user requirements, business needs, funding, and the availability of resources. It is important to note that the system architecture must be flexible and able to quickly meet changing requirements. An overly rigid architecture will not be able to accommodate new software or hardware.

Subject: Internship

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Q2. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion in 100 words.

Due to covid-19, our company has not returned to office work. At the same time, our team members are also distributed across the United States and different countries. Therefore, online collaboration and communication are almost the most commonly used collaboration methods. Our collaboration online is going well. We use some online document collaborative editing tools to share files. At the same time, we use instant communication software and web conferencing software to keep in touch with each other. For this week, one of the challenges we encountered was the difficulty of bringing colleagues from different time zones into the same meeting. The approach I take is that for meetings that have to be attended by everyone, I choose to have evening hours on my side for the convenience of colleagues in other time zones. If it is an exchange of information that does not require everyone to be present, we use asynchronous communication.

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