Need help reviewing paper
Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Wednesday of Unit 8
Points: 100
For your final project, develop a Risk Management Plan which details the plan for
managing risk for your selected project.
The plan should include all necessary sections based on the reding and course work
during this course. Please don’t confuse this with the Risk Register or Risk Response
Planning. See Polaris: Lessons in Risk Management, Dr. Byrne, Chapter 2, Risk
Management Planning and the PMBOK Guide for guidance.
There is no template for this assignment, as this assignment is to demonstrate your
understanding of what must be included in a Risk Management Plan.
• Page Requirement: 4-8 pages.
• If needed, make sure to site and proper APA format.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write
and again after you write.
BUS623 – Project and Risk
Develop a Project Risk Management Plan
Evaluation Rubric for Develop a Project Risk Management Plan Assignment
CRITERIA Exemplary Proficient Needs
(50 points) (40 – 49 points) (30 – 39 points) (0 – 29 points)
All required
sections are
including the
project Risk
Most of the
required sections
are added
including the
project Risk
Some of the
required sections
are added
including the
project Risk
Few of the
sections are
added including
the project Risk
(20 points) (16 – 19 points) (12 – 15 points) (0 – 11 points)
Strategy and
The project’s
risk strategy
and risk
tolerance is
The project’s risk
strategy and risk
tolerance is
mostly detailed.
The project’s risk
strategy and risk
tolerance is not
well detailed.
The project’s
risk strategy and
risk tolerance is
not clearly
(20 points) (16 – 19 points) (12 – 15 points) (0 – 11 points)
Plan Clearly
regardless of
background in
risk or project
Easily understood
plan, regardless
of background in
risk or project
Not easily
understood plan,
regardless of
background in
risk or project
Plan is not
regardless of
background in
risk or project
(10 points) (8 – 9 points) (6 – 7 points) (0 – 5 points)
Clear and
Writing and
APA Format
Writing and
format is clear,
compliant, and
error free.
Few errors that do
not impede
presentation. Sign
ificant errors that
do not impede
Significant errors
that do not
Writing and
format is clear,
APA compliant,
and error free.
Errors impede
guidelines not
> Risk Register HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH Marketing LOW Marketing Better Marketing We will send more flyers through mail, use community partners to spread the word, and start having community meetings. HIGH LOW LOW HIGH LOW LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH Receptionist LOW HIGH MEDIUM Project Manager LOW HIGH MEDIUM Project Manager MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM Marketing Better Marketing MEDIUM HIGH HIGH Project Manager Low Risk Log
www. &P of &N © T Morphy. 2009 – 2017 Project Management, project planning, templates and advice 1
Project Management
Jeffery Robinson Post University BUS530 Project Management Dr. Archie Addo 12 December 2021 Project Management
Free clinical Service project
One journal article that examines a project that interests me is “Uninsured free clinic patients’ experiences and perceptions of healthcare services, community resources, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” In it, Kamimura et al. (2016) explore the feasibility of free clinics projects in increasing access to health care services at community levels. The free clinics project goal is to increase access to quality and affordable health care services among disadvantaged an underserved community. After the survey conducted by the National Health, it was estimated that a higher number of patients were uninsured and this led to the rising number of home-based care instead of patients visiting the hospital. My interest in this project is setting a free clinical service, to help patients with various financial challenges other than being uninsured. Additionally, the lack of physicians and health care providers has been a challenge in serving the huge number of patients admitted daily. The desire and compassion to make a difference in the society, together with other students we can change the lives and also save most of them through this project. For long students have been denied the chance to participate in the hidden curriculum, that is socially relevant learning, that is training students how to work with the community to bring change and save lives that could have been lost in occasions that could have been prevented. For instance, due to lack of finances to book a hospital bed, these occasions can be prevented if a free service can be provided by well-wishers and medical students.
Plan Project Quality Management
According to the Project Management Institute (2017) Project Quality Management includes the processes for incorporating the organization’s quality policy regarding planning, managing, and controlling project and product quality requirements in order to meet stakeholders’ objectives. Project Quality Management also supports continuous process improvement activities as undertaken on behalf of the performing organization. In my Clinical Service Project, I will incorporate project quality management by ensuring all employees are trained to the project specifics. I plan to ensure all employees are aware of the project specifics so that no one is left in the dark. By doing this, it allows everyone to know the role of the next person so that if an employee may be out for any reason there are no holes in the plan. I also plan to ensure all employees receive adequate amount of time off to rest and recuperate. I need all employees on at their best to ensure the customers’ needs are met at all times.
Manage Quality
According to the Project Management Institute (2017) Manage Quality is the process of translating the quality management plan into executable quality activities that incorporate the organization’s quality policies into the project. The key benefits of this process are that it increases the probability of meeting the quality objectives as well as identifying ineffective processes and causes of poor quality. Manage Quality uses the data and results from the control quality process to reflect the overall quality status of the project to the stakeholders. This process is performed throughout the project. During my project, I will incorporate customer surveys to ensure customer satisfaction and customer needs have been met in a timely manner. I will also be doing random customer follow up phone calls to ensure this stays anonymous.
Control Quality
According to the Project Management Institute (2017) Control Quality is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality management activities in order to assess performance and ensure the project outputs are complete, correct, and meet customer expectations. The key benefit of this process is verifying that project deliverables and work meet the requirements specified by key stakeholders for final acceptance. The Control Quality process determines if the project outputs do what they were intended to do. Those outputs need to comply with all applicable standards, requirements, regulations, and specifications. This process is performed throughout the project. Throughout the project, the data analysis team will continue to collect and gather data. We will have weekly meetings to ensure all data is collected and make the necessary changes to stay on target to complete the project. The data analysis team will work directly with the project manager and notify him of any data collected that does not support the project in order to make changes before the weekly meeting. If there are any changes made before the weekly meeting it will be annotated so that it can be brought to attention during the next meeting.
Kamimura, A., Ashby, J., Trinh, H., Prudencio, L., Mills, A., Tabler, J., … & Reel, J. (2016). Uninsured free clinic patients’ experiences and perceptions of healthcare services, community resources, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Patient Experience Journal, 3(2), 12-21. MLA 8th Edition (Modern Language Assoc.)
Risk Register
Project name:
Clinical Service Project
Project manager:
Jeffery Robinson
Date raised
Risk description
Mitigating action
Contingent action
Progress on actions
Insured patients try to receive care without presenting insurance card.
Better Marketing
Patients will be charged for services
Patients targeted are not willing to be seen due to fear of being charged
We will send more flyers through mail, use community partners to spread the word, and start having community meetings.
Targeted patients do not know about services due to lack of being reached through marketing
Over scheduling of doctors
Ensure all doctors are properly trained in all services offered
Receptionist will ensure doctor scheduling does not put more work on any doctor than the next.
Lack of communication between 2 clinics
Project Manager
Have weekly sync meetings
Instead of having 1 meeting we will have 2 meetings a week
Unplanned services being scheduled or completed
Ensure only offered services are being offered and scheduled
Appointments will be cancelled or the patient will pay
Clinic Internet Services down
Ensure we have back-up servers
Ensure Internet provider has emergency services
Not enough Doctors to provide services
Hire Part time doctors for extra help
Ensure doctor scheduling is done 2 weeks in advance and make necessary adjustments when scheduling conflicts arise
Services being over used
Ensure patients understand the services being offered
One Clinic backs out of providing services
Reach out to a back-up clinic
Ensure back-up clinic is trained in case 1 clinic backs out
1 2 3
Impact 1
2 Low Medium
3 Medium High High
Project Management, project planning, templates and advice
Project Management Institute. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(R) Guide–Sixth Edition / Agile Practice Guide Bundle. Vol. Sixth edition, Project Management Institute, 2017.
APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Assoc.)
Project Management Institute. (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(R) Guide–Sixth Edition / Agile Practice Guide Bundle: Vol. Sixth edition. Project Management Institute.