Week 9 Assignment: Development Plan for Three Skills


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What to submit/deliverables: Word document that contains the

Week 9 Assignment Template


What is the value of doing this assignment? For the last nine weeks, you’ve been learning how the 10 Skills are an essential part of being successful in the future world of work. In Week 4 Assignment, you began to reflect on your skills and goals and how the 10 Skills have helped you reach accomplishments. Your understanding of the skills have been refined, and now it’s time to reflect on your strengths and areas for growth again in order to develop a plan moving forward.

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For this assignment, you’ll identify three skills that you’d like to focus on and develop a plan for. This could be the three skills you wrote about for Week 2 Assignment, or three new skills. As you think of which skills you’d like to improve upon, consider choosing skills at varying levels. You might, for example, choose a skill that you are already strong in, but would be excited to continue exploring and building upon, as well as a skill in which you might have more room for growth in. At the end of the assignment, you’ll leave with the beginning of a tangible plan for personal and professional development that you can review with the Career Center team.

Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your communication skill by using the Week 9 Assignment Template to outline a plan for developing skills to support a successful learning experience and career. To truly develop your communication skill it is important that you write using your own words and do not cut and paste from the

Skills Definition table

or any other source. (See the

Skill Development Plan Sample


Steps to complete: In Week 9, complete and submit your Development Plan for Three Skills using the following steps:

STEP 1: Identify the targeted skill. Summarize your strengths and areas of improvement in this skill area. Then, identify your desired outcomes around this skill area and write a positive goal statement. Review the Skills Definition table if you need a quick reminder of the 10 skills. Complete the following sections of the template:

• Target Skill
• Strengths
• Areas of Improvement
• Desired Outcome
• Goal Statement

STEP 2: Specify the actions you can take to work towards your goals, with specific strategies and practices that you can apply. Identify any potential obstacles and challenges to achieving your goal. Complete the following sections of the template:

• Practices for Growth
• Action Steps
• Potential Obstacles and Challenges

STEP 3: Keeping your action plan in mind, identify trusted supporters and university resources that can help you in your skill development plan. Complete the following sections of the template:

• Key Supporters
• Supporting University Resources

STEP 4: Reflect on the connections between skill development and your overall personal, academic, and professional goals. Complete the following sections of the template:

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals.

STEP 5: Complete Steps 1–4 for the two other skills you have identified. When you are done you should have three plans filled out in the template for three different skills.

STEP 6: Save the template with your completed responses as a Word file titled Your Name, WRK100_Week 9 Assignment Skill Development Plan and submit in Blackboard in Week 9.

To help make sure you are properly citing your sources, please review

Strayer Writing Standards.

Week 9 Assignment Rubric


Skill Development Plan Sample

The Skill Development Plan Sample includes an example of a skill development plan for one skill.

You can use the format of the example to help you complete the skill development plan for each

of your three chosen skills.

Target Skill #1: Technology


● I can use all apps in Microsoft Office.
● I can easily download and install software when needed on my computer and phone.
● I not only like, but am confident in, using new applications. I like experimenting and

trying new technology.

Areas of Improvement:

● I’d like to increase my confidence in website design and maintenance, and even basic

● Sometimes I get easily frustrated when technology doesn’t work the way I expect it to.

Desired Outcome:

● Increase confidence in website design and maintenance, and even basic coding.
● Reduce frustration at technology in order to better troubleshoot issues.

Goal Statement:

● By the time I graduate from Strayer, I want to be able to create and maintain my own
website as another way of promoting myself (in addition to my résumé or LinkedIn).

● I also want to be able to do side work in website design to make extra money when

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Practices for Growth:

● I can try a free website builder like Squarespace to help me practice designing

● I already have a lot of obligations with being in school and working a part-time job, so I
think taking 30 minutes a week to learn the basics through LinkedIn Learning and

other free tools is a good way to work on this.

● I also think that teaching a skill will help me learn it even better, so I’m going to offer to
help my friends learn different tools. They already ask me for help sometimes, so I

might even start an informal group each


Action Steps:

● September 2020: Sign up for the Odin
Project and LinkedIn Learning.

● Fall-Winter: Work on free tutorials
through those sites on the weekend (4


● January 2020: Sign up for

● Throughout 2020: Start an informal
tech group to work on website

building and get help from others

(meet once a month).

● May 2020: Have a basic website set up
on Squarespace.

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:

● Prioritizing and setting aside time to
develop skills.

● Finding committed and interested
classmates who would motivate me

to keep at it.

● Balancing my desire to work on
website design and coding with my

class load and part-time job.

Key Supporters:

● Arthur, a friend who is skilled in
website design and can provide


● Mr. Murray, previous IT professor who
helped a lot with tech projects and

hosts mini-maker faires at his lab each


Supporting University Resources:

● Career Services offers access to
LinkedIn Learning. There I can put in

the skills I want to gain (web design

and coding), and it automatically

populates a list of free and short

courses to help me develop my skills.

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be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University.

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● Rita, a career counselor who helped
advise me on coursework to support

my career goals.

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:

I mentioned in the Week 4 Assignment that as a personal goal I’d like to increase my Spanish

skills. Being more knowledgeable about where to find free classes via technology—like

LinkedIn Learning—will give me more resources to help with this goal. Professionally, I wanted

to find a job that is flexible with studying. If I could get a side job helping with website

maintenance, that’d be a great way to make money and work when I want to. It can also help

me reach my academic goal of studying for two hours a day and leaving the rest for personal

time. I won’t need to get in the car and commute to my work but, instead, can choose when

and how long I work on side website projects.

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be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University.

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Week 9 Assignment Template:
Development Plan for Three Skills Template

Create a development plan for three target skills.

Target Skill #1

Target Skill #1:
Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for. (Pick from the 10 Skills we learned about in WRK100. You may want to use a skill that you wrote about in the Week 2 Assignment.)

Describe your strengths in this skill.

Areas of Improvement:
Describe areas of improvement in this skill.

Desired Outcome:
Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think about what improvement of this skill looks like.

Goal Statement:
Write a positive statement that includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after development.

Practices for Growth:
Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Action Steps:
Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal.
What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?
· Step 1:
· Step 2:
· Step 3:
(Add more steps if necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:
What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal?
What challenges do you anticipate?

Key Supporters:
Identify 1–2 individuals you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as trusted supporters.
Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.
· Supporter 1:
· Supporter 2:

Supporting University Resources:
Identify 1–2 university resources that can help you meet your goal.
Explain how these resources can help you meet your goal.
Consider the resources you learned about in the weekly Learn pages, including:
Career Center Resources:
· Find Your Path
· Networking Tips
· Resumes
· Interview Tips
· Professional Associations
LinkedIn Learning
(formerly Lynda.com)
Other Strayer Resources:
Strayer Mobile

Strayer Technical Support

Get Inspired

SOAR Student Assistance

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:
Connect your goals around skills and identify:
· one larger personal goal,
· one academic goal, and
· one professional goal.
These can be the ones you identified in the Week 4 Assignment or new ones.
How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?

Target Skill #2

Target Skill #2:
Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for. (Pick from the 10 Skills we learned about in WRK100. It could be a skill you wrote about in the Week 2 Assignment; this needs to be a different skill than Target Skill #1.)

Describe your strengths in this skill.

Areas of Improvement:
Describe areas of improvement in this skill.

Desired Outcome:
Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think about what improvement of this skill looks like.

Goal Statement:
Write a positive statement that includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after development.

Practices for Growth:
Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Action Steps:
Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal.
What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?
· Step 1:
· Step 2:
· Step 3:
(Add more steps if necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:
What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal?
What challenges do you anticipate?

Key Supporters:
Identify 1–2 individuals you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as trusted supporters.
Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.
· Supporter 1:
· Supporter 2:

Supporting University Resources:
Identify 1–2 university resources that can help you meet your goal.
Explain how these resources can help you meet your goal.
Consider the resources you learned about in the weekly Learn pages, including:
Career Center Resources:
· Find Your Path
· Networking Tips
· Resumes
· Interview Tips
· Professional Associations
LinkedIn Learning
(formerly Lynda.com)
Other Strayer Resources:
Strayer Mobile

· Strayer Technical Support
Get Inspired

SOAR Student Assistance

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:
Connect your goals around skills and identify:
· one larger personal goal,
· one academic goal, and
· one professional goal.
These can be the ones you identified in the Week 4 Assignment or new ones.
How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?

Target Skill #3

Target Skill #3:
Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for. (Pick from the 10 Skills we learned about in WRK100. It could be a skill you wrote about in the Week 2 Assignment; this needs to be a different skill than Target Skill #1 and #2.)

Describe your strengths in this skill.

Areas of Improvement:
Describe areas of improvement in this skill.

Desired Outcome:
Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think about what improvement of this skill looks like.

Goal Statement:
Write a positive statement that includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after development.

Practices for Growth:
Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Action Steps:
Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal.
What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?
· Step 1:
· Step 2:
· Step 3:
(Add more steps if necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:
What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal?
What challenges do you anticipate?

Key Supporters:
Identify 1–2 individuals you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as trusted supporters.
Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.
· Supporter 1:
· Supporter 2:

Supporting University Resources:
Identify 1–2 university resources that can help you meet your goal.
Explain how these resources can help you meet your goal.
Consider the resources you learned about in the weekly Learn pages, including:
Career Center Resources:
· Find Your Path
· Networking Tips
· Resumes
· Interview Tips
· Professional Associations
LinkedIn Learning
(formerly Lynda.com)
Other Strayer Resources:
Strayer Mobile

Strayer Technical Support

Get Inspired

SOAR Student Assistance

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:
Connect your goals around skills and identify:
· one larger personal goal,
· one academic goal, and
· one professional goal.
These can be the ones you identified in the Week 4 Assignment or new ones.
How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?

© 2021 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University.

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