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The case discussion is designed to make you think strategically at the CIO/CISO level. In your deliverables, focus on how you would deal with the situation if you were the CIO/CISO thus integrated both your business acumen and your technical knowledge.

The business case comes directly from a real-world example

Case Study: New Platform, New Problems


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  • Prepare a 2-3-page single spaced bulleted position paper and
  • A one-page ( Two Sided /Tri Fold) job aid that you would provide to the employees –  you may want to do some research on a simple job aid, what is the purpose and how it is used..

Your position paper should cover but not be limited to the following:

  1. How could new IP-enabled devices pose a security risk for a corporation?
  2. How could corporations guard against threats from new IP-enabled devices?
  3. Could a ban on all IP-enabled devices from outside the corporation be a workable policy? Why or why not?
  4. Why is data mobility a security threat to businesses?
  5. How will diverse computing platforms affect IT security?
  6. Would IT security policies need to be adjusted for corporate offices in different countries? Why or why not?

The Job Aid should cover the actions that you want employees to follow to achieve the expected result.

Your assignment should include a cover page, abstract, introduction, the position paper, the job aid, a conclusion and your references.

View RubricCase Study Rubric (5)Case Study Rubric (5)CriteriaRatingsPtsIntroductionview longer description/ 3 ptsPosition Paperview longer description/ 12 ptsJob Aidview longer description/ 8 ptsReferencesview longer description/ 2 pts

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