What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. Bullying in society is the topic. This essay addresses bullying that goes in society and its various effects on the parties


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What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. 

Bullying in society is the topic. This essay addresses bullying that goes in society and its various effects on the parties involved, that is, the bully, the bullied person and the onlooker or the witness. It usually yields negative effects on all the people involved. These effects might be mental effects, bringing about suicidal thoughts or even leading down the path of substance use on the part of the bullied person mostly. This, however, does not mean that the other two will not be affected by bullying itself. It might even be worse for them. 

Who is your primary audience or reader? Why? Be detailed in your answer about your audience.

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