Wireshark DNS and HTTP Analysis Labs

Using the “dns-wireshark-trace1-1.pcapng” PCAP, identify the following:ICMPv6 is used several times, what are they being used for?
What is the gateway for this Comcast network in this conversation?
What is the IP address of the Comcast DNS server in this conversation?
What type of interface is this request made from?
Identify the packet encapsulation that is used in this DNS exchange. (You will have to build the encapsulation – based off of last weeks and this weeks look at the DNS feed).
Identify at least one additional packet encapsulation that is not used the DNS exchange, but is present in this conversation. (You will have to build the encapsulation – based off of last weeks and this weeks look at the DNS feed).
Identify the destination address (based upon hexadecimal addressing) for the lookup, what is the hexadecimal address for the website?
Identify the destination address for the lookup, what is the plaintext address for the website?
What date and time did the conversation start?
Identify the purpose of STP (Spanning tree Protocol) as it is found at the very beginning of the PCAP. Is this protocol considered a routed or routing protocol? Why?Based upon http-wireshark-trace1-2.pcapng, answer the following.
What type of device is making this request?
Name 5 protocols found during this exchange:
How is content stored for this user?
This user reaches out to gaia.cs.umass.edu, what is this user trying to do?
What language is the cookie for Umass written in?
In several frames – RokuExpress4K reaches out to a Docsis-Gateway, What type of internet is being used?
What is the IP address of the RokuEXpress4K?
How did you know?
Give an example of a cipher suite being used in this transaction.
Final question – based upon information you have seen here; identify one unencrypted and one encrypted attack that can occur to attech against this device or network.

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