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Francis Kanu
Pro Lisa
The topic I am selecting in this course study is women empowerment. The research question that
this paper will address is the impact of educational attainment on women’s empowerment in the
economic discipline. The topic and the research question matter to society because education on
women and preparedness to work provides access to a vast opportunity on labour boosting
economic growth. Women having a chance to work may have an effect that can include better
production and increased incomes. Because of inception, women have been considered to Play
undeniably valuable duties towards economic development. Despite standing beside men, their
humanity has proven from their determination and hard work. Despite their efforts to make a
better living and a better world, they have been oppressed for their fundamental rights, and
society viewed them as inferior citizens. Many programs are channelled to women’s needs and
their environment. The roadmap is to take steps that explain policy and programs that entail
feasible options to women. This is more likely to influence women’s success by examining how
social and economic background affects success.
One of the measures involves business and credit management tutoring women with small and
medium businesses. Being micro-entrepreneurs can significantly impact critical outcomes like
revenues, profits, and employment. Women entrepreneurs can replace business advisors, identify
weaknesses, plan, and make innovations that increase profits and gains within the economy.
Another intervention is providing women with quality, accessible and affordable childcare for
wage labourers. This support on women provides a gap that enables women to participate and
contribute to growth that recognizes the value of their contributions to the economy, respect
women’s dignity, and allow fair distribution of economic growth benefits (Nassani, A. A.
This increases women’s access to economic resources and chances, including job opportunities,
market information, and financial services.
Education on women has become more beneficial because literacy levels have tended to evaluate
whether one can read or write. Literacy can define the status of a woman, but t with education,
women can develop confidence among themselves. In the current world, women do not have the
confidence to take a step and claim their entitlements. Empowerment might only be achieved if
women realize that it is valuable to be empowered to enjoy happy and fair life. Education
provides a broad sense that includes opening the mind-enhancing self-esteem and self-
confidence. With women acquiring knowledge, they will negotiate with the unequal world from
a strong position (Yaya, S.201
). Women have to be recognized as an essential human resource
and a solid commitment to equip women with the required managerial skills to empower them in
making decisions.
Women in the economy have substance benefits. Developed countries with a balance of women
and men in the workplace have tremendous economic growth, stability and innovation. The firm
with a more substantial ratio of women in leadership, workforce, and management outsmarts
those firms with a low turnover on women employment. Significant employment opportunities
between men and women in an organization are more likely to cause conflicts and involve the
country in a violent conflict. The nations that give women equal opportunities are more likely to
establish development and thrive peacefully. Women in the economy are best considered to
understand consumers’ needs and get better insights on the type of products to design and create.
Women empowerment in the economy can lead to a more global vision in purchasing the market
and identifying opportunities to increase sales. Women improve their living standards from their
hard work despite them down looked by the male gender.
Establishing an educative program that aims at empowering women and girls will help address
issues cutting across the economy allows women and girls to participate in society entirely.
Women and girls’ empowerment programs involve steps that are more integrated and addresses
women’s experiment in the economy, evading barriers like conflicts and gender-based violence
that brings insecurities to women. These programs must have a goal of strengthening society’s
opportunities to support women’s economic empowerment. A society with educated girls leads to
female leaders increasing and lowers the level of the population growing, therefore, reducing
pressures that are concerning change in the climate.
Promoting women participation in the economy makes gender equality an intelligent economy.
Participation of women in the economy equips them with knowledge, promotes productivity in
the agricultural sector, and enhances management in the economy and investment in returns.
Women investment meant yields multiple effects. A more significant percentage of women have
the norm of reinvesting large portions of their salaries in the community and their families. They
are also vital to stable and peaceful societies, which is an essential factor to economic growth.
Financial inclusion to women will help support the efforts kept by women in accessing quality
financial services that involve credits and savings. Women’s valuable role in advancing
agriculture and food security development encourage supportive programs for female farmers
and agricultural enterprises owned by women. Polices also need to be advocated and programs
that offer solutions to enable women to participate in the economy, including reforming practices
that limit women from accessing capital, inheritance rights and land tenure ( Ahuru, R. R.2021)
Counterarguments on women empowerment in education to the economy hurt firms through
unfairness. People tend to adapt to the fairness system favouring one party involved. Treating
women fairly will enable them to access and reach more opportunities. Making them feel that
they belong to a particular group drives them to join it. Mistreating them and making them feel
they are not part of a particular group discourages them from reaching new opportunities.
Unfairness leads to more rejection, and women being placed in places to make them better
executives most likely portray that they cannot reach certain levels.
Despite the unfair treatment being about women, unfair treatment can hold back any team in the
short run. It discourages and creates indignation with members of the groups holding themselves
back in the long run. The labour markets take their way by splitting due to them avoiding the
career paths due to unfair treatment with the firms having a lot of positions to be filled by the
increasingly less talented applicants. Evil invaders should not be empowered in space. Women
who are discriminated against in the workplace can experience mental health due to stress, with
most of them encountering substance abuse issues (Dadi, D.2021). While others become so
confident in asserting their rights that lead to equal treatment, others become more fearful in
taking action and experience struggle that is often affected by factors such as woman’s duty in
the company.
Many existing arguments on empowering women make women feel separated from the group
they feel in despite being traditional. These traditional arguments assume that women are too
weak too emotional and that empowering women goes against the natural rule of how things are
in order. These can also be against the divine rules that have been ordained by God wanting
women to occupy. Even if there exists a God who does not want women to perform some takes
that women are proving themselves they are capable of doing all of these display that God is not
that worth of everyone devotion. There being no argument for believing that the earth is flat, it is
sure that it appears there is no better argument to deny women the power and the responsibility
that men are given.
With women attempting to advance their careers and climbing the corporate ladder, unfairness
encounters their progress. Women are to be acknowledged in their progress, which brings a form
of biasness that limits their career options. From childhood, skilled women place their families
regarding their profession and plan their living while men move around supporting their families
by career advancement. With this gender equality, women are kept In a position of fighting
human nature. Women’s lack of belief hinders them from accessing many job opportunities with
this gender acknowledged as bias with it seen as a form of blaming the victim with a semblance
of empowering her.
In conclusion, women have the voice and right to fight for better employment opportunities in
the market. We all need to accept women’s viewpoints and raise their status through training,
education and creating awareness. Empowering women equips and provides an opportunity to
make life-determining decisions through different societal challenges. They need opportunities to
reformulate the gender roles, which results in more freedom to pursue their desired goals.
Policies must be developed effectively and taken to accord women with fairness and equal
chances to prevent sexual violence against women and other citizens of the same victim. The
policymakers need to support training n jobs to enter the formal market. It is recommendable for
policymakers to provide more formal education opportunities to women to enable high
bargaining power at homes. This will make them have high wages outside their homes and make
it easier for women to access job opportunities in the market.
Nassani, A. A., Aldakhil, A. M., Abro, M. M. Q., Islam, T., & Zaman, K. (2019). The impact of
tourism and finance on women empowerment. Journal of Policy Modeling, 41(2), 234-
Yaya, S., Uthman, O. A., Ekholuenetale, M., & Bishwajit, G. (2018). Women empowerment as
an enabling factor of contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa: a multilevel analysis of
cross-sectional surveys of 32 countries. Reproductive health, 15(1), 1-12.
Ahuru, R. R. (2021). The influence of women empowerment on maternal and childcare use in
Nigeria. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14(3), 690-699.
Dadi, D. (2021). Women Empowerment in Indonesia: Community Learning Activity Center
Programs. AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 13(3), 1823-1834.
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4.1 women’s
4.2 Women’s
4.3 encourages
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Section 5 – The Presentation Edit from the course Editing Mastery: How to Edit Writing to Perfection with Shani Raja
Then follow the below steps.
First, download and open the feedback you received from your instructor on your research paper rough draft in Moodle.
Second, read the feedback carefully. Ask your instructor for clarification if there is anything you do not completely understand.
Third, if your instructor has listed particular grammar issues you need to work on, do a Google search to find out how to correct the issue in your writing.
Finally, apply all edits your instructor marked and read your paper thoroughly looking for the following:
· 12 pt. Times New Roman font
· Double spacing
· APA formatted References page
· APA formatted in-text citations
· Thesis statement provides a clear and specific direction for the paper.
· Topic sentences are used within each paragraph and only details that support the thesis statement are included.
Francis, this is a good first draft for your research on women’s empowerment.
Title Page:
Title (in bold)
Your Name (author)
Stratford University
ENG111 – College Composition
Your Instructor’s name
The specified due date for Task 5
If you use the template you will have this information (we covered this during weeks five and six of the course).
Example APA 7e Paper – APA 7e Style at Stratford University – Library Guides at Stratford University
Don’t forget to tab/indent the first new line of each paragraph.
References: Should be listed in alphabetical order (APA Format).
You are missing your fifth source!
A few minor opportunities in wording I highlighted in red (I highlighted your best lines in green).
You have a strong piece here I am looking forward to your Powerpoint next week =)
Don’t forget to be creative!