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Complete per the instructions on the sheet. Embed all screenshots into your answers. Your submission should be a single word or pdf file with pictures included.

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Windows snipping tool. For Mac OS one can use steps at this site.
1) (5pts) Go to the following Amazon Web Services (AWS) website to create an estimate (click Create estimate
upper right) for AWS compute and storage based on the following requirements. (5pts)
a. Select US-West (Northern California) region.
b. In the Find Service box, enter EC2 (EC2 is Elastic Cloud Computing), then select the Configure button in
the Amazon EC2 box.
c. On the Configure Amazon EC2 page – Description box, type in Compute. For Operating System, select
Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In the Search instance type box, type in t3.large, scroll down and then select
the radio button to the left of t3.large. Confirm 2 vCPU (virtual Central Processing Units), 8GB Memory,
Up to 5GB Network, EBS only Storage. Then scroll down, ensure the Compute Savings Plan radio button
is selected, update Reservation term to 1 year, and verify Payment Options set to No Upfront . NOTE –
The amount for EC2 monthly should be about $100->$110
d. EBS services – Scroll down and flip the carot for Amazon Elastic Block Storage-optional. Verify General
Purpose SSD (gp3) is selected for Storage for each EC2 instance. Then scroll down and update Unit to
TB and enter 1 for Storage Amount. NOTE – If you Show Calculations for EBS, it should be about
e. Go to the bottom and flip the Show Details carot and type in the costs below in f, for EC2 Compute and
EBS monthly costs.
f. Cost:
i. EC2 Compute? $________
ii. EC2 Storage? $________
iii. Total Monthly Payment? $________
g. Take a screen shot of the EC2, EBS, and Total Monthly costs similar to below and replace the example
below with the blanked out costs, with a screenshot from your configuration with the costs.
2) (5pts) Go to the following IBM Cloud website to calculate the following cloud based computing resources. We
will create a similar instance to compare the prices between AWS and IBM Soft Layer (5pts)
a. Type of virtual server section, select Public (Multi-tenant). Public instance section, select Quantity = 1,
Billing = Monthly. Location = NA West, SJC03 – San Jose. Profile section, select View all profiles. Scroll
down and select, B1.2×8 Balanced radio button. Verify 2 vCPU, 8GB RAM, SAN, then select the Save
Profile button. Operating System section, select Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x – Minimal. Attached
storage disks section, confirm Boot Disk, with 25GB. Select Add new + button, for Disk 1, set size to 1.00
TB, keep the remaining defaults (DO NOT select Add-ons for the storage)
b. Take a screen shot of Summary (Right hand side). Replace the below with your screen shot. NOTE – The
total cost should be about $165 to $175
3) Which provider cost less (per server instance) AWS or IBM. (1pt)
4) What “as a Service” did you just get estimates for? (Hint from the book/powerpoint there are three “aaS” types
– look at the slide that looks like a stacked cake – remember you are calculating costs for compute, storage,
and OS. Which layer is this? (1pt)
5) Which website was easier to use? Explain why (at least one sentence – no right or wrong answer here) (1pt)
6) For each component below, select the appropriate “as a Service” type (IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS). HINT – This will be
good to know for Exam2. Look at the “stacked cake” slide in Ch6 powerpoint. (2pts)
Web apps accessed via thin clients (web browsers)
Application and Web Servers
Database Servers / DBMS
Mobile Applications

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